baby names

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part 4 of the pregnancy series

"what about kyra? for a girl and marcus for a boy?" i asked justin. looking up at him.

currently we were sitting on the couch thinking about baby names. me and justin couldn't agree on anything.

"but i really like andrea though." he said whining like.
"but kyra is a cute name." i said to him.
"yeah, but andrea is better." he said looking down at me smirking. that cheeky bastard.

"justinnnn." i playfully whined.
"y/nnn" he said back still looking at me.

then their was a stare down.

"babe. ya know your gonna blink." justin said smirking at me and looking me in the eye.

"no. i'm not." i said stubbornly.

"how bout this we have a stare down, whoever wins gets to choose the names for the baby." justin said looking at me entwining our hands.

"oh your on." i said letting go of his hand and sitting up on the couch.

and it begun.

i was staring intensively into his big brown puppy eyes. until he started tickling me which made me bust out laughing closing my eyes.

"ha you blinked!" jay shouted.
"hey! you cheated you bastard!" i shouted back.
"aye! i said whoever blinked lost. that was the only rule!" he said back smiling so cheekily.

"fine since you won, what are the names?" i asked. he smiled widely.

"well for a girl kyra. and for a boy marcus." he smirked.

i hopped on his lap and kissed him
"what?" he asked.

"thank you."

hi guys leave comments and such of what you thought and also justin's on tour! what do you think so far of the #PURPOSETOUR? seems lit lol

-hi guys leave comments and such of what you thought and also justin's on tour! what do you think so far of the #PURPOSETOUR? seems lit lol

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