{Chapter Ten}

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It's Friday. I personally like this day because it leaves me relaxed after hustle of the week. And I'm nervous also. Tomorrow I'm going to confess my feelings to Finn. I hope he returns them. I really hope he does. Ella told me that he likes me if not loves.

Call me crazy but I've written a short speech pouring out my feelings in ten sentences. Love makes you do crazy things after all.

"Are you prepared?" Ella asked me. I rolled my eyes. She looked more excited for this than me.

"I think so. What if he doesn't..?"

"Aubrey, listen to me. You have to take risk with love. And you have to be positive." She told me firmly.

Her words helped but I was still unsure. I am really happy that I found a friend like her.

"I'm not B positive Ella. I'm A positive." I joked. She rolled her eyes at me but a smile was there on her face.

I froze on my tracks gasping at the scene in front of me. Finn was leaning against the locker with a smile on his face.

Ella halted on her steps as she took the scene playing.

Betty standing way too close to him and her hands were trailing up to his chest. And he was smiling at her. Encouraging her.

I could feel my heart breaking. What was I thinking? Finn was a player. And a player never changes his ways. He might want to become a good boy but that didn't mean he would be able to control his boy urges. Tears stung in back of my eyes as I watched them.

Before I could turn away, the scene changed. Finn removed her hand and pushed her away gently. She frowned up at him. He said something and her face turned red. Her eyes were smoldering as she stomped away from him.

"Looks like the skank doesn't attract him. I wonder who else would?" Ella spoke. The meaning behind her words didn't go unnoticed by me. I glared at her and she smiled innocently.

"Hey girls," Finn spoke. My heart skipped a beat at his voice. I hadn't noticed him walking towards us.

"Hi," I smiled at him.

"We saw that," Ella spoke. "You turned down Betty. That was so amazing Finn."

"Yeah. I don't like her much. In fact I hate her. And then the thought of Aubrey chewing my head off entered my mind, I couldn't even stand her." He said.

I knew he was referring to my good boy rules but Ella didn't see it like that. I couldn't exactly tell her that also. Before she could gush like a fan girl in front of Finn and embarrass me, I dragged her with me towards the next class.


After last class of the day, I walked or rather jogged impatiently to washroom. I had been controlling for past hour and my bladder might burst if I don't hurry.

As soon as I entered my eyes fell on a brunette. Anastasia. Okay. I have to take a piss now.

"Aubrey," her voice called but I didn't stop. Squealing 'later' I slammed the door behind me.

When I came outside, Anastasia was still standing there.

"Sorry about that," I laughed nervously. "Sometimes you just can't control."

She gave me a weird look before shaking her head. "Look, I'm here to talk about Finn.


I was sitting inside my living room on my couch beside Finn watching a movie. He seemed too engrossed in it while I was lost in my own thoughts. I was anxious. My hands started shaking and I shoved them inside pockets of my jeans. It was a usual thing for us to watch movies. I was always comfortable by it. Way too comfortable. Anastasia's words ran inside my head. I gnawed at my lower lip wanting it to be a lie.

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