Who's rescuing Who?

387 13 16

Only two more chapters left~

This book in all was 12 chapters!

The last two are Bonus chapters..

I think you guys deserve them for Reviewing, Voting, and Reading :3

( A/N):  * Talking *

             * Thoughts *


With Moo and Cartoonz

Sitting in the chair rolling his head side to side Mini looked between the door to Delirious, who was laying in the chair with his eyes closed breathing steadily. " There has to be something I can use to get these ropes off, " thought Mini looking around the room finding a small butter knife on the floor. " Bingo! " grinned Mini scooting his chair to the object. " Come on Mini, " said Mini encouraging himself for the object he desired. Making it to the knife he scooted to knife up to the table leg. Being stealthy and focus he guided the knife up to the table top gleaming in triumph.  Scooting to the table he leaned his head. Scrapping the knife off the table with his teeth he carefully turned his head to see his wrist bonded together. Angling his target right, he let the knife drop down cutting his hands apart. " Thank you Vanoss, " said Mini smiling. If it wasn't for Vanoss teaching him how to get out of ropes when you were bonded, then he would be fucked.

" A few cuts is worth this, " grumbled Mini looking at his bleeding wrists. Getting up from his seat he went to Delirious, who was still knocked out, and undid his bonds. " Come on Delirious, " said Mini patting the male softly on the cheek. " Delly wake up! " whispered Mini harshly shaking the Navy eyed male. Delirious scrunched his face stirring lightly. " Mph, " groaned Delirious twitching his nose. closing his eyes tighter with his mouth slightly open. " Seriously. " thought Mini staring at the sleeping man. Mini's face brighten when a thought came to him. Tilting Delirious's head to the side, Mini placed light butterfly kisses on his sensitive side. Squirming in his seat, Delirious moaned opening his eyes. " It's too early for that, " groaned Delirious fluttering his eyes open. He let out an squeak as he saw Mini instead of Vanoss smirking down at him with no ropes on him. " Have a good nap Sleeping Beauty? " asked Mini with a smug smile laughing when Delirious flipped him off.

" Asshole I thought you were Vanoss, " mumbled Delirious rubbing his red wrist. " I bet you were, " said Mini rolling his eyes playfully. " Enough small talk, we need to get out of here before those bastards come back, " said Mini swiftly going to the door. Delirious nodded getting up from his seat to quick, making him fall back into the chair. " Fuck! " he yelped sitting in the chair. " What's wrong? " asked Mini looking at his companion with concern. " Got up too fast, " nervously giggled the male getting back on his feet carefully. Walking halfway to the door, it jiggled alarming the captured boys. " Quick get back into the chairs and act like your still bonded! " whispered shouted Mini running to his chair quickly pushing back to Delirious as Delirious go back into his chair scooting it as close as Mini like they were before. When the door open they saw Moo and Cartoonz in the doorway with two plates on the tray.

" Can't go a day without breakfast, " said Cartoonz walking into the room with Moo following. Pulling spare chairs in front of the tied boys, they took one plate each off the tray spoon feeding them. On the plate was a piece of toast with jelly, 2 strips of bacon, 1 pancake, and a fruit cup. Feeding them, the two killers couldn't help coo at them as they ate chuckling when the capture's would blush or look away to regain themselves. " This asshole is about to get his shit pushed in, if he doesn't quit fucking teasing me! " mentally growled Delirious as he opened his mouth to bite into the piece of bacon. " Someone's is getting irritated~ " teased Cartoonz smiling at Delirious as the latter glared at the him. " He's not the only one, " hummed Moo pulling away when Mini would reach for the fruit on the fork. The two would laugh at their love interest fails as they tried to get the food. There laughter was ended when they heard a loud slam in the house.

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