Chapter 5

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Jacob and I had spent the whole night there. Just laughing, talking, sharing stories. It was unreal. It felt like it was one of my dreams I had of him. I don't know what I was thinking all of those years with out him.

By the time the sun had rised I had just remembered that I had to be home before Charlie had woke up. Jake and I drove home and Jake thought of a good enough plan to get me home with out getting caught. Jake knocked on the door and had Charlie come out to look at something on the bottom of my car.

I was hiding in the bushes and when my dad left the door open I just ran inside, leaped up the steps and ran into my room. My dad came up about 5 minutes later and I pretended to be sleep. 

He closed the door once he seen my eyes were closed. I popped up as soon as I heard his door close. I ran to the window and saw that Jacob was leaning on the tree by my window.

"Great job agent Isabella Swan." Jacob said.

"Yeah yeah. You didn't know I had all of those skills did you?" I said blowing my breath on my nails and then brushing them on my shirt.

"Definitely not. I mean not just anyone can run up some stairs and pretend to be sleep." he said sarcastically.

I just rolled my eyes and smiled. I propped my elbows on the ledge of the window and Jacob jumped onto the tree with just enough strength to hold on and kiss me. Even though the kiss was slow it felt too fast. As soon as he pulled away I was craving more.

"I'll be back later Bells." he jumped down, gave me one last stare and was on his way. I just watched him run until I couldn't see him anymore.

I still couldn't digest what happened last night. I was glad it did but I kind of felt bad for Maria. I hope she didn't get too attached. Maybe I should tell Jacob to talk to her and make sure she is okay.

I walked away from the window and looked at the clock. It was 7:37 in the morning! Wow, this can NOT become an every day thing. I plopped down on my bed and started to think.

How did I become so lucky? I'll never have to worry about having my heart broken. I won't have to worry about dying and leaving the one I love behind and have to live with the pain of my death. 

Then my thoughts began to drift into memories. I wonder if I'm completely over Edward. I think there will always be apart of me that will love him. 

Not in the way I used to and not in the way I now love Jacob. I just can\'t understand if you love someone so much, why would you break their heart purposely? How could you ever leave them? How could the place in your heart ever be the same? 

I would never do that to Jacob and I'm not completely sure if Jacob would or wouldn't do that to me but I do know that as of right now. There is no one I'd rather be with. I'm not sure if were even together officially. I hope so. With that being my last thought I began to fall asleep.

I woke up at around 4 that afternoon. I went to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. Morning breath is my pet peeve.

My dad was in the living room watching t.v.

"Well who do we have here? It's sleeping Bella. It's about time you woke up."

"Sorry dad. I didn't get too much sleep last night."

I went into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of juice. I spit it out at my first gulp. I forgot I had just brushed my teeth.

"Well get dressed Bella it's getting a little late to be still in your pj's."

I looked down and had just remembered I was still in my pajamas. I ran up the stairs took a quick shower and popped on a pair of skinny jeans, my gray converse and a white t-shirt. I grabbed my black jacket just in case.

I Love You, JacobTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang