Time for checkup

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  Sirive woke up to finding arms wrapped around her waist. She looked over and nearly screamed. "I SAID DONT TOUCH ME!!" She yelled, waking up the bounty hunter. Lockdown looked to see Sirive glaring at him. He just simply mumbled something, pulling the femme closer to him. Sirive growled. What the slag was he doing!? "Let go of me!" She hissed, clawing at the bounty hunter, causing him to let go of her. "GAH- what was that for!?" He growled. "YOU TOUCHED ME!!" Sirive yelled, quickly rolling off the berth, making a startled noise as she fell on the floor, quickly standing back up, glaring at the bounty hunter.

Lockdown just rolled his optics, getting up and looking at the femme. "YOU BETTER NOT HAVE DONE ANYTHING TO ME!!!" Sirive yelled, quickly checking herself, seeing if there was any damage done to her. Lucky for her, she was unharmed. Lockdown just simply growled, mumbling to himself. Sirive tried her best to stay away from the mech. "I am NEVER doing that again!" She said, leaning against the wall, glaring back at Lockdown. "I don't know, I kinda enjoyed that." He said with a smirk. Sirive looked at him in a disgusted way. "EWWW." She said, causing the bounty hunter to snicker. "Just...don't." Sirive said. "Don't what?" Lockdown asked, snickering slightly. Sirive just glared at him. "I will not hesitate to slap you again." She said. "And I won't hesitate to slice your throat open." Lockdown replied with a smirk. Sirive just rolled her optics. "I hate you." Sirive said. "Love you too, sweetspark." He said with a wink. Sirive growled. He will pay... He will pay... He will- "I'm off to get some energon, stay here, if you try to escape, I will kill you." The bounty hunter announced as he walked over to the door, typing the code in and left the room, the door hissing shut behind and locking itself.

Sirive nearly lost it. She punched a hole in the wall just to et her anger out. Lucky for her, no one had noticed or had heard her punch the wall. Which was good. Sighing, she walked over and sat on the side of the berth, trying to figure a way out of this mess. It seemed that when ever she had tried to escape, she would always get caught. Sirive sighed heavily. What was she gonna do? How can she get out of this ship? She slowly loosing it. "Pull yourself together!" Sirive hissed to herself. "Come on.. think....think..." She repeated to herself. She could use transform- oh wait, her t-cog is gone... Riiiigggghht... Okay, well what about- well, she already tried that... And epically failed... She could use the sword on him or something... And she could try to run.. But she would end up back here like last time. She just had to wait.. She had to wait for the right moment to strike.

Lockdown had returned, the sound of the door opening an hissing shut had distracted Sirive from her own thoughts on how to escape this ship. "Thirsty?" He asked, holding two energon cubes, one in each servo. Sirive looked up at the bounty hunter as he gave her one, looking at it, before taking a sip of it. "This isn't poisonous, right?" She asked, causing the mech to snicker. "No, it's fresh energon." Lockdown replied as he took a sip of his energon cube. Sirive watches as the mech took a sip of his energon, making sure it was safe for her to continue drinking hers, causing the bounty hunter to sigh slightly. "It's not poisonous." Lockdown said, slightly annoyed of the femme thinking he poisoned it or something. Sirive stared at her energon for a few minutes, before deciding that the energon was safe to drink. Sirive stood up, finishing her energon, then walked over to the table, setting the empty cube down, looking back at Lockdown. "I'm surprised you didn't spit the energon in my face." He snickered. "That's just cause I was actually low on energon." Sirive said as she rolled her optics at him. Lockdown smirked, then picked up the empty cubes and left the room, the door hissing shut again and locking itself as usual.

Sirive went back to thinking about how to get out of the ship again. The femme started to fill her processor up with all these questions about how she will escape. How can she escape though? Could she use the sword again? Or would she end up back here? She would probably have to wait until the right moment comes.. Or would she be able to escape right now? Will she even be able to wait that long? What if-. The sound of the door hissing open and shut had distracted the green femme from her thoughts once again, causing her to look up to see Lockdown. "It's time for your check up. Mansen wants to know how your wounds are healing." The bounty hunter said, walking over to Sirive, grabbing her by her right arm, before pulling the green femme out of the room and along the hallway.

"Why should he care about my wounds?" Sirive spat. "Because he is the ships medical officer and it is his job." Lockdown growled slightly. He pulled her into what was a med bay, the doors hissing shut behind them. Mansen was cleaning up some puddles of energon from some of the drones on the ship, before looking up to see Lockdown and Sirive. "Ah, Sirive.. It's good to see you alive still." The medic said before looking at Lockdown. "I am impressed, I thought she wouldn't make it alive.. with you having to watch over her..." He said with a slight smirk, causing the bounty hunter to scowl at the medical officer's comment. "I do not always kill everyone I have to look after." The bounty hunter growled. "Mmhhmm..Only few make it out alive though..." Mansen mumbled, walking over to the medical berth. "I need you to lay down here, Sirive." He said to the green femme. Sirive obeyed and walked over to the medical berth, laying down on it.

"Now I'm gonna be injecting this needle in your arm so I have a sample of your energon to make sure it's healthy." Mansen said gently to Sirive as he held on of her arms. Sirive nodded, watching as the medic used a needle and injected it into her left arm, causing her to make a sound. "It probably does hurt." He told her as he waited a few seconds, then took the needle out of her arm, causing her to wince slightly in pain. "Good." Mansen said as he walked over to one of the monitor like machine. Lockdown watched as the medic took a few moments to process the energon. "Well her energon so far is healthy. Try to keep it like that and make sure she gets her Energon everyday." Mansen announced, looking over at Lockdown who simply nodded, crossing his arms. Menasen then got out a few tools, setting them on the table beside the medical berth where Sirive was laying. He picked up one of the tools that looked like a sharp pocket knife and a screwdriver combined into one. Sirive shifted uncomfortably when she looked at the tool, her optics slightly showing fear. "It's okay, I'm just gonna check to make sure your wounds are healing correctly, that's all." Mansen said. Sirive did trust him. She trusted him a lot more than Lockdown. Sirive nodded again. Mansen then started to scratch the sharp tool against the wound she had on her left shoulderplate, causing the femme to wince. The medic did the same thing to all of her other wounds with the sharp tool. Once he finished, all of her wounds were open and leaking energon. The medic set the tool down on the table and grabbed a cloth, wiping away the leaking energon. Then he put the cloth on the table and got out what seemed to be strange looking object. It was obviously cybertronian medical equipment, otherwise Sirive would have known what it was but since she didn't, it had to be cybertronian.

He used the cybertronian tool to patch up her open and leaking wounds. She didn't really feel anything when he patched up her wounds with the tool. So that was good. Mansen set the tool down on the table and started to clean the femme up so the wounds wouldn't get infected even though he patched them up, he still didn't want the wounds to be infected. He even polished and waxed her armor. "Alright, you're all done, my dear." He said. Sirive nodded and got up. "Thank you." She said to him, causing him to shrug. "I'm just doing my job." He replied to her, then looked over at Lockdown. "She WILL have a few aches and pains tomorrow, but that's just the wounds healing up. Other than that, she is healthy and fine. If the aches are too much, give her a little dose of high grade, but just a sip. Only a sip, got it?" Mansen said slowly, making sure the bounty hunter got it. "Yes, yes, only a sip of high grade if the pain is too much, I get it." Lockdown said with a growl. Mansen sighed and ten turned back to the femme. "If he is not there to help you when the pain is too much for you to handle, just keep calm and try to distract yourself doing other things so your mind won't focus so much on the pain." The medical officer told Sirive. Sirive nodded. "Okay, I will." She replied.

"Remember, only a sip of high grade, Lockdown." Mansen told the bounty hunter once again. "I know, I know." Lockdown growled, grabbing Sirive by her right arm, and pulling her out of the room an into the hallway, leading her back to his quarters. The door hissed shut behind them when they entered, locking itself. Lockdown shoved the femme to the side, walking over and sitting down on the side of the berth. Sirive couldn't help but remind him. "Remember, only a sip of highgrade." She snickered.

Lockdown glared at her. "Say that again and I'll rip your spark out." Lockdown warned. Sirive stuck her glossa at him. "What did I say about doing that?" Lockdown said, standing up and walking over to the table, picking up the sword. Sirive stared at him. "I was just messin with ya!" She said as Lockdown walked over to her, carrying the sword with him. "I am not in the mood. Now get some recharge before I put you in recharge forever." He warned. Sirive grumbled, walking over to the berth and laid down, curling up, and recharging. Lockdown just walked over the berth, setting the sword on the table as he passed by, then laid down next to the recharging femme, recharging himself...  

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