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Ratchet: O.o WHAT? IM NOT-
Lockdown: tell me where is Optimus Prime
Lockdown: ...what-
Ratchet: *hisses*
Lockdown: 0.0
Me: 8D YAS
Lockdown: .__. *leaves*))

"..Crosshairs.." Sirive said as her twin brother sat beside her. Crosshairs sighed, wrapping his arms around her as he pulled the femme into his lap. "It's alright. Nothin's gonna hurt ya." He said. She nodded slightly, her body relaxing slightly. "..sometimes I can see my sparkmate holding me close, telling me everything will be fine.." Sirive suddenly said in a soft voice. Crosshairs gave a small nod. "..sometimes I get this feeling that he's still alive and out there somewhere. I just don't know where.." She whispered enough for him to hear. "What about Marcie and Kaijo?" Crosshairs couldn't help but ask in wonder. Sirive paused for a few nano klicks before looking at him. "...I remember leaving them with Drift. I'm sure he's taking good care of them." She replied, making Crosshairs smile slightly. "I gotta admit, he's a patient mech." Sirive smiled to herself. "Yeah."
"That's so nice of you to share that with me." A sudden voice spoke fro outside the cell door, making the siblings jump slightly. Sirive's energon ran cold as she realized who that was and what she had said. Lockdown. "What the-? HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE?" Crosshairs asked in shock and surprise. "Long enough." Lockdown said before smirking. "I never knew that you had sparklings.. I bet they're very obedient.." He said with a smirk. Sirive growled at the mech for eves dropping on their family conversation. "Of course they are! It depends on how you treat them!" She shouted out at him, earning a shock from her collar, causing him to snicker. Sirive gasped as she felt another electric shock ripple through her frame from the collar downwards, causing the femme to fall to her knees. Lockdown typed the code into the cell, the bars that make up the door hiss open before walking into the cell. "Oi! I'll beat the slag out of-" Crosshairs growled before suddenly getting electrocuted by his collar, causing him to let out a painful cry as his systems nearly went offline. Sirive growled as Lockdown approached her before quickly reaching out to claw the bounty hunter in the leg with her sharp digits. Lockdown growled before grabbing the femme by her tail and held her upside down watching as she clawed out at nothing trying to get away from his grasp. "Quit squirming or ill tie you to a berth!" Lockdown said, making the green femme to stop struggling. Sirive glared up at Lockdown, her arms now crossed with an annoyed expression on her faceplates. "Then how about you.. LET THE FRAG GO OF MY TAIL!!" She yelled at him. Lockdown stared at her for a few minutes before replying. "Fine." He said as he let go of her tail, causing the femme to yelp as she hit the floor face first before growling in annoyance as she glared at the mercenary who smirked. "You said let go and so I did." He said with a smug look. "Bastard!" Sirive yelled at him. "I get that a lot." Lockdown said before grabbing her by her right arm, and started dragging her out of the cell, the doors hissing open before closing behind them, locking themselves, leaving Crosshairs behind. Sirive couldn't believe it..actually she could. Well, she thought this was ridicules. Why? Because she was being /dragged/ down the halls of the night ship by Lockdown. The slight screeching of her armor as it was being dragged across the metal floors. Well..at least he wasn't dragging her by her tail, thank Primus, that's a relief. She just watched as she was being dragged by her right arm down the halls, shifting slightly onto her side, trying not to lose her tail in the process, looking at the creatures and little drones and soldiers as she was dragged past them before suddenly being thrown into an unfamiliar room, landing on her side. "Was that really necessary?" She hissed as she started to get up before almost getting struck in the helm by a sword which flew right past her helm hitting the wall before falling to the ground with a loud clang. Sirive stared with wide optics. That. Was. Close.

"Oh come on, sweetspark, you should have caught that." Lockdown said with a smirk. It took the femme a few nano klicks to realize what he just called her. "Did you just-?" Before she could even finish, another sword was thrown at her, but it was larger than the other one and it definitely looked sharper than the other. Sirive had just barely managed to dodge as the sword hit the wall before falling to the ground with a clang next to the other sword that had been thrown at her. "WHAT ARE YA TRYIN TA DO!?" She yelled holding up a fist before yet another sword had been thrown at her, this time it caught part of her wrist, yanking back to the wall as it had pinned her left wrist to the wall. Sirive felt pain in her wrist as she let out a hiss in pain, before trying to pull the sword out but it wouldn't budge. It was already half deep in the wall and she really doesn't want to lose her wrist. She grabbed the sword with her free servo and pulled as much as she could trying to pull it out but she just couldn't do it. She hasn't had any energon in weeks. She growled as she turned her full attention focusing on getting that sword out.

Lockdown sighed as he walked over to the struggling femme. Sirive froze as she had realize that Lockdown was right there standing infront of her. She winced as he lifted an arm up, shutting her optics waiting for him to hurt her. But instead she felt the sword in her left wrist being pulled out, her arm was suddenly free from the sword. She decided to open her optics, watching as he held the sword. "Here." The mercenary said, holding out the sword for the femme to reach out and grab it. "Take it." He said, watching as Sirive cautiously took a hold of the sword, before picking up one of the swords on the floor he had thrown at her previously. "You're going to train." Lockdown said walking over to a monitor, typing in a few codes before pressing a button. The room then began to change form. Sirive looked around, finding herself on cybertron. "..Cybertron?" Sirive asked herself as she then saw a silver and black mech walking towards her, he was taller than her. His optics were orange looking. "H-hello." Sirive said. The mech didn't say a word, instead, his arm transforming into a blaster as he aimed at his target. Now Sirive only had a sword...so what did she do? Well....she ran.
Lockdown facepalmed as he watched the femme run from the hologram before taking action into the chase. Right when Sirive was cornered and had no where to run the mech was about the shoot before a sword was stabbed through his chest. Sirive watched as the mechs optics went offline before the entire frame disappearing, leaving Lockdown holding a sword behind. The entire room then change and went back to its normal looking form. "You don't run from enemies, you fight them!" Lockdown growled before attacking the femme. Sirive quickly used her sword to block the other sword in defense. "Good. You're learning how to use a sword." Lockdown said. "I know how to use a sword! I had no chance against that mech with that blaster!" She yelled before punching Lockdown in the faceplates. (O______O) Now she knew she had pissed him off. Right when she heard the mech growl, she dropped her sword and ran for her spark. She was so screwed. So so so screwed. The femme leaped up onto one of the tables that had weapons laid out across the surface, picking up and quickly attaching two blades to her arms before grabbing a random gun that so happened to be a sniper rifle. She quickly jumped up towards the ceiling, grabbing a hold of part of the rotating metal that circled the room before swinging herself and jumping onto a half torn platform, making her way up from the broken platform towards the ceiling where there was a way out of the room through the vents. She quickly looked down to see that Lockdown had transformed his ugly face to that big cannon face he always uses to shoot far targets, the green laser dot suddenly appearing on her right leg moving its way up to her right shoulder. Sirive had to think fast. Right when the bounty hunter fired, she had just barely managed to jump up, grabbing onto a part of another rotating part, pulling herself up before quickly jumping up to the vent, dodging another shot from cannon face. She quickly crawled into the vent, and immediately started crawling her way through the vents of the ship where she could save Crosshairs and get the hell off this ship....

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