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"Come on, Sirive, you need this." Mansen said holding a glass container of bubbling pink fluids. Sirive stared at the drink he held in his servo, watching the bubbles rise to the surface and pop into thin air. "Sirive, it will help your wounds heal faster." Mansen said. The femme sighed and took the drink, gulping it down quickly before handing the empty glass to the medic. "There we go, you should feel better in a few nano klicks." He said taking the glass and setting it on a nearby counter. "Why does he abuse me so much? Am I like a play toy or something?" Sirive asked, venting a huff. "Well, Not necessarily. Most bots don't make it this far." Mansen stated, cleaning out the glass container with a cloth. "I'm surprised you're still here. Primus, you're a special femme." He said setting the glass down and walked over to a table and began to organize his medical tools. "I guess." Sirive said as she sat on the medical berth, watching the medic.

Just then, the doors opened, revealing the one and only bounty hunter.(A/N:butthead). He walked over to her, his faceplates did not look happy at all. "What?" Sirive asked. "Your so called 'brother' just escaped my ship." Lockdown growled. "Crosshairs? I'm not surprised." Sirive responded. She knew what her brother was doing. He was getting help. Of course he would. There's to many soldiers for him to fight all at once. Lockdown leaned in so close to her their faceplates were just inches away from eachother. "I thought you cared about your precious 'brother'." He said with a snarl. The way he said it sounded like it was a disgusting thing to say. Sirive glared back at the mech. "Lockdown, I gave her the medicine that should heal her wounds up." Mansen's voice interrupted the staredown between the two bots. "Alright. How much has she healed?" Locked asked, walking over to the medic. "Uh, about 87%. The rest is aches and pains she will suffer from." Mansen said, quickly grabbing a datapad and pulled up the femmes status, before showing Lockdown the results. "She will need to at least spend another cycle here." Mansen said to him.

While the two mechs were talking, Sirive sat on the berth, wondering where her sparkmate could be on this ship. If Lockdown allowed him to roam around like any other free soldier, then he could be anywhere for all she knew.

"Hey, doc?" A mechs voiced came in from the entrance of the med bay. "Just a moment." Mansen replied and resumed talking to Lockdown about her injuries. Sirive looked over to see a mech she is not familiar seeing. She doesn't even think she has seen him before anywhere on this gigantic ship. Her spark had tingling sensation as she made eye contact with the stranger who noticed her and decided to walk over to her.

"Hello. Don't recall seeing you here. Are you new?" He asked her curiously. Sirive shook her helm no. "I've been here for a while. I don't think I've seen you here at all before." She said.

The mech nodded and sat down beside the femme. "It's strange, I'm like, getting this weird tingly feeling in my chestplates." He stated. "Me too." Sirive said, confused as to why this mech would be feeling the same feeling inside his spark as she is right now. Then she remembered. New body. She looked into his optics deeply. "R-Ratchet?" She asked softly.

The mech frowned slightly as to why she said that. "What?" He asked. he can't remember. "Uh..Nothing." Sirive said, looking away. "I thought you were sombot else..." She mumbled. "Oh. I'm Blazefire. You can call me Blaze." He said with kind smile. "You can me Sirive." Sirive said, returning the smile. "That's a pretty name." He said before pausing. "I..for some reason, I feel like I know you.." He said to her. Sirive shrugged. "Maybe you do." She said, causing Blazefire to look confused. "No one has probably told you this, but you were actually my Sparkmate." Sirive said, sending waves of love through the bond.

"Now I'm getting this warm feeling inside. W-Was I really your sparkmate?" Blazefire asked, feeling an emotion of love from his spark. "I-" Sirive was cut off when Mansen came striding over to the two. "Okay Blaze, what's the prob-, oh I see you met Sirive." Mansen said happily. "Mansen, was I- did I lose my memory before I came here?" Blazefire asked. Mansen looked at Sirive with a 'Why-did-you-tell-him-that!?' look and then sighed to himself heavily. "Yes, Blaze, you did lose your memory." Blazefire was stunned to hear those words come out of his own medic's vocalizer. "I-I dont understand.." He said softly. So many questions began filling up his processor.

"What are you bots talkin about?" Crushclaw's voice said. Everyone turned to see Crushclaw carrying Allison in his arms. Sirive looked at Mansen concerned as in 'what-happened-to-her?'. Mansen went over to the medical berth the other mech had set the seeker on. "What happened this time?" Mansen asked, grabbing the equipment he needed and ran a scan over her.

As Mansen worked on Allison, Sirive was busy with Blazefire. " is true?" Blazefire asked leaning close to Sirive who nodded. Now their faceplates were just inches apart from each other. "Blaze, your shift starts less then 60 nanoclicks." Mansen said aloud while he worked. "I have to go. I'll be back later." Blazefire said before standing up and walked out, Sirive watching him leave the room.

"Crushclaw I TOLD you NOT to use highgrade energon as lube!" Mansen growled at the other mech. "It was the only thing there to use!" Crushclaw responded. Meanwhile Allison just laid there, tears filling her optics. "She will need to stay here for the rest of the cycle. You can come pick her up when you awuhake from recharge. Now get out before I call for backup." Mansen said, pointing to the doors. Crushclaw growled and left, knowing what would happen if he stayed any longer.

"He used energon as lube?" Sirive asked raising a brow. "High grade energon." Mansen corrected her. "Doesn't he know that using such a chemical like that could stain the femme's insides and possibly cause damage?" Mansen said. "Probably not." Sirive replied before walking over to where Allison was now sitting on the medical berth. "Hey, he didn't hurt you, did he?" She asked, looking at the seeker. Allison just laid there, covering her faceplates with her servos. "I just wanna get away." Allison breathed.

Sirive could sense her energy field was filled with pain and sadness. "It's going to be okay, Allison." Sirive said, sitting beside the seeker, resting a servo on Allison's shoulderplate. "Allison, how many times does he..uh, how should I put this.. How many times a cycle do you get fragged?" Mansen asked uneasily. "To many to count!" Allison burst into tears, Sirive resting an arm around her for comfort. "You're stronger than him, you can take it, you are a brave seeker." Sirive said trying to cheer up Allison. Luckily for her, it was helping. "I guess." Allison said, starting to calm down.

Mansen came to hand her a cube of fresh energon, which she drank down quite fast. "Mansen, I think she needs to stay here in the med bay for a few cycles." Sirive said looking at the medic who nodded in agreement. "I will keep that noted." He said before opening up a comm link to Crushclaw. "Crushclaw, this is Mansen." He said, waiting for a reply. "Crushclaw here, what's up." The other mechs voice responded. "I'm just notifying you that Allison will need to stay here for a few cycles longer than expected." Mansen said. There was frustrated sigh. "How many cycles?" Crushclaw asked. "About 3." Mansen said. "Fine. Make sure she's in top shape when I come back." Crushclaw growled through the comm link, feeling rather annoyed. "Will do. Mansen out." And with that Mansen ended the comm link before turning to the femmes. "Alright. I am running low on energon, so I will be gone for a while." Mansen said heading towards the exit. "Okay." Sirive said, and with that Mansen left the room...

Predator has found its preyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora