The Poet

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The whole room was dark. Puffs of smoke are covering the place. Lightning strikes all around the area. The thunder grumbles so loudly, it hurt my ears. I looked outside and I saw nothing but acres of tall trees. They were dancing horribly with the wind. The air felt so cold. I rubbed my arms to at least lessen the freezing temperature of my whole body. 

I was inside a room. The door swung slowly open making freaky noises. A few meters away from me, there stood some lit candles forming a circle. My mind was daring me to move closer. I didn't know why I was here. This place was never familiar to me. The wind blew harder. It was so hard the glass windows slammed to the wall. I screamed. I was terrified. The room went darker than it had a little while ago. 

"Mom?" I called out but no one answered. My feet were shivering in cold. Lightning and thunder is making the entire place freakier. I looked around. My eyes landed on the papers pinned on the walls. Some were already torn. Some were covered in red stains. I moved closer. I started reading the scripted letters. Poems. They were poems. There are most likely a hundred of them. There are poems on the walls, even on the floor. Some are floating with a string attached to the ceiling.  

I snatched one paper but when my hands touched the thing, thick red stain flowed to the string. The red liquid reached my fingers. My whole body trembled. I wanted to scream but no words came out of my mouth. I know this. Blood. Human blood. I slowly looked up. My eyes widened. I covered my own mouth to prevent myself from making any noise. 

Tears rolled down my cheeks because of fear. I saw it. It was horrible. Something, no, someone was tied to the ceiling. It was a girl. She is wearing a white night dress. Blood was dripping from her head. I couldn't see her face. Her hair was frizzy. A thick cord is wrapped on her neck. There are words written on her arms and legs. No, it wasn't written. It was like tattooed harshly with a knife. Curse. Poems. Family. Hatred. Unseen. These are some words I deciphered from her body. That could have been painful. I wasn't sure but I knew one thing, she was dead. 

But it happened. She moved. I fell back in shock. She tilted her head to the right. I screamed. I want to run but I have nowhere to go. I didn't know this place. My body felt numb. I couldn't move. 


My mind told me but my body didn't respond. The girl laughed. It was a sweet laugh but it sounded like there were three persons talking. It echoed loudly on the room. 

"Are you here to help me?" she asked in an engaging tone. I couldn't speak. Why am I even here in the first place? I can't remember. 

The girl, in my guess, looked young. Maybe 12 or 13 years old. I wanted to speak but my throat felt dry. 

My knuckles are turning white. I'm sure, I am, too. It was too cold but a thick balled sweat dropped to my face. The wind blew harder. The poems from the wall and the floor flew around the girl. It surrounded her like it has a life of its own. The girl raised her hands. With a snap, she fell in the middle of the circled candles. All the candles lit. There are growling sounds of foxes somewhere in the forest. She giggled. 

"You look scared. Are you scared of me?" Her voice was sweet but freaky at the same time. 

"Who are you? What do you want?" I finally said. 

"Who are you? What do you want?" she mimicked. "Always the same question." She said as if she was tired of answering the question. 

She lifted her face. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her eyes. It was black. Like really, really black with no pupils. There's blood dripping from her forehead. Scars and fresh wounds were all over her face and body. She walked towards me. 

"Stop! Get away from me!" I shouted. She stopped. Her expression changed from a sweet kid to an evil grin. "Who are you?!" 

"A girl with dreams, but no one cared. 

A kid who writes, a poem, she cried. 

Name from weeds, for mom do died 

Birth, they regret, I hope they lied." 

She ran as if she was playing while reciting that verse. She giggled. She stopped and ran to me. 

"Who am I?" 

"I don't understand." She smiled. Her teeth were incomplete. Drool from her mouth started flowing out. Disgusting. I almost puked but I covered my own mouth. 

"You never knew a fine artisan 

You never want to be a villain 

But here I am, sure is unseen 

Die, you young lady! 

For you have done a sin!" 

She floated to the air and laughed like a rouge character. 

I screamed but it was too late. The window glasses broke. The wind became as strong as a tornado. Lightning and thunder kept flickering. All the candles went off. My hair was floating, snapping to my face. I used my arm to block the heavy wind. She kept laughing. It sounded like a razor sharp being sharpened. Her voice became manly, sound so evil. The door swung back and forth. I knew I have to run. I tried to move but all the papers became as hard as a stone. It turned out to become really hard. She grabbed my hair and pointed a knife to my neck. 



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