(3)In her shoes

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“Is she going to be alright?”

“She will. The inappropriate pumping of blood from 

her heart made her collapse like that but aside 

from that, she’s going to be fine.” The doctor 


When Cathy passed out last night, her Aunt Belle 

sent to her to the nearest hospital. Aunt Belle 

found Cathy lying on the carpet. She decided to see 

the doctor after she saw that Cathy has a lot of 

bruises all over her arms and legs.

“But I’m still not sure where she got those 

bruises. It is not something to worry about but I 

really think you should ask her when she woke up.”

Aunt Belle nodded.

“Okay then. I should be going but I’m afraid she 

needs to be confined here until tomorrow. Have a 

good day, Mrs. Henrou.”

“Thank you, doctor.” The doctor left the room.

After an hour of waiting, Cathy was still 

unconscious. Aunt Belle decided to buy some fruits 

downstairs so she left Cathy in her room after 

giving a kiss on her forehead.

“I’ll be back soon. Get well.”


<Cathy’s P.O.V>

This was the same room I dreamt about last time. It 

was the same freaky room but the aura was 

different. It feels more positive and lively. The 

bed is perfectly arranged and the pinned papers 

were now folded in a box. The box was labeled ‘D 


I looked around and somehow I felt like I already 

been to this place before. Maybe because it was the 

same room where I saw that girl hanging from the 


I heard a loud bang from the door. A girl, maybe 

around 16 or 17 years old, went inside the room. 

She looks mad like she just got a dropping grade 

from high school. She was gripping a paper and her 

fists are clenched.

“You!” the girl said.

“Sister.” I said.

Holy Mother of potatoes! I said the words like I 

was programmed to say it. I really didn’t say it 

but I did! What is happening here?!

She then threw the paper in my face.

“What is wrong, sister?” I asked. I was not 

supposed to say anything but my mouth slipped those 

words like I was the one she was talking to.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2013 ⏰

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