Chapter 7- Crushes, Blondes, and Adam

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A few hours later we were off to the water park. I kept my bathing suit under my clothes. Again.
I ended up packing a extra pair of clothes just in case with some towels and sunscreen. Reese asked me to pack his towel with mine so he doesn't forget. Axel asked me to do the same.

After we packed a few small bags, we all met in the lobby. Reese asked me to sit in the middle, so he could be next to me this time.. Axel pushed his little brother and ran to the car shouting "last one to the car has to pay for lunch!"

"That's not fair I don't have any money!" Reese shouted scrambling to get to the car. I ran out to the car and Axel had already beat me. Reese of course was last.

I picked him up and sat him on my side still holding him I said smiling " it's ok Reese I'll pay and you can act like you bought it, it'll be our little secret." He smiled and whispered back "ok, thanks Hope" I sat him down and he jumped in the car.

Axel and I waited for our moms outside of the car. " you know you don't have to pay for lunch and act like Reese was. I was kidding" Axel said leaning against the side of the car.

"I know, but I want to, and my mom said there gonna leave us at the waterpark to go to the complimentary spa there." I said looking up. He smiled genuinely and I got in the car. I sat in the middle as promised. Our moms put the bags in the trunk while Axel sat next to me.

"I'm so excited!" Reese screeched as I buckled him in his seat. "So you like kids?" Axel asked as he slipped on his seatbelt and his mom started driving.

"Yeah, I love taking care of them" I said then adding "what happened to tough bad boy Andrewws" drawing out the w.

"I don't know you just do something to me, Sunshine" he said smirking. Raising a eyebrow I asked "like?"

"I don't know Sunshine." He said rolling down the window. I didn't pry, but soon Reese started to wiggle around as we pulled into the parking lot. Our moms bought wrist bands so we could go down the slides as many times as we wanted. With in 3 hours of course. There were Go carts, water slides, bumper boats and a batting cage.

We took the wrist bands and Reese dragged me to the bumper boats. He never like batting cages so we didn't do anything like that. I handed the man the tickets. Reese and I shared a boat, and Axel took one by himself.

Reese and I got in the tiny boat. There was a handle so we could move around the pool . Duh. Attached to the side was a water gun. Reese took command of the water gun as I drove.

Reese squirted at Axel mostly but there was a little girl around Reese's age and he started to squirt her. She did it back and Reese started blushing. I nudged him and he squirted me in the side. She had long brown hair and blue eyes.

"Don't tell Axel, please" he dragged on. "I won't tell him you have a CRUSH" I said and drove the boat towards her. "Hi my names Reese, what's your?" Reese asked the girl. I was surprised that he did it but I won't judge.

Only if people were more forward.

" Jessica, or Jess for short. Nice to meet you" jessica said smiling.

He seemed pleased and told me to drive towards Axel. I looked around the pool for him. He was squirting a girl who looked around 17, same age as me.

My heart dropped. Why was my heart hurting as I saw him laugh and smile with her the way he did me. Did I like Axel Andrews? Never no, I was just getting close with him as friends. And I thought he said I did something to him.

Maybe it's because we don't laugh together but he does it so easily with others. Yeah that's it.

I grew a little hot and I pulled the boat over and Reese and I got out. Axel was still in his boat talking to that girl. Or shall I say specimen. She had perfect blue eyes and long blonde hair. Her hair was in subtle waves and her makeup was perfect.

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