Chapter 21-Bitches do as their told

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(AN the dance is on Friday, that's why there's that picture above:))

" I know I've seen the Posters everywhere." I huff as I put my things in my locker.

"I bet you Axel's gonna ask you" Lilly bets, nudging me in the shoulder.

"Just because there are Posters up everywhere for the school dance this Friday, doesn't mean he's gonna notice." I conclude my theory.

"Or Trystan." Lilly tugs at my arm batting her eyelashes up at me.

"I'm not into him Lil's you know that." I state, she should obviously know.

"Fine. But it's this Friday " Giving up, she takes a seat next to me at the lunch table.

"What's up!" Summer greets, as she plops down next to me.

"Have you seen the Posters?!" Lilly cuts me off and gets straight to her point.

"Sadly yes," Isaac smirks from across the table nodding. "Isaac ask me to it."

"Oh my god?!" Lilly and I shout simultaneously.

"That's great." Nudging Summer with my elbow, her face turns light pink.

"Lilly? Did you tell Hope yet." Summer, changing the subject, points to Lilly with a raised eyebrow.

"Tell me what?!" I grab Lilly's shoulders, "tell me!"

"Adam asked me." She concludes ducking her face behind her lunch bag. I go to punch her in the arm, but a hand grabs a hold of my wrist.

Looking up, I'm met with a pair of oceanic blue eyes.

Pulling my hand back, I pout as he sits across from me.

"Hey," Axel greets the table. Setting his plate down he stares at me.

"Yes?" I ask. His blue eyes drift from me to Summer and Lilly, then back to me.

"I'm guessing you saw the posters." He raises an eyebrow, noticing that he had been eavesdropping on our conversation, I stick out my tongue.

"Are you going?" He asks, his eyes solely on me.

"Are you asking?" I challenge, a little scared.

"No, I was just wondering. " the butterfly's in my stomach died, he said it so calmly, so casually. Like it wasn't suppose to hurt.

"Nope" I said back casually, popping the p. His oceanic blue eyes popped back up, meeting me with a smirk.

"So you're not going?" Axel, clearly oblivious, asks again.

"Only if I get asked." I clairify. Lilly's eyes sadden, she wanted me to go so badly. While Summer holds back her laughing, behind her fist. I send her a scowl, whilst Trystan sits next to me. A smile plastered on his face.

"Hey hope" he greets, while turning toward me.

"Hey, Trystan." Throwing the rest of my food away, I sit back down, only to find Amanda at our table.

"Hey axe, do you wanna sit with me tomorrow?" She flaunts herself I front of our table, with her makeup packed face right in Axel's.

"Sure" he agrees easily. Whilst Lilly raises an eyebrow.

"I didn't know you sit with Ms.Ugly Hope" Amanda insults me, while my anger builds up inside me, from Axel's answer.

"Please, there's a fine line between wearing makeup and looking like you got gangbanged by crayola." I shoot right back at her.

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