The Truth

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He shot a glance at me and l didn't look surprised he looked at Joker and I looked at him and dad trying to figure out why did he know something too.

Katherine: O.k. both of you need to stop treating me like a child and tell me....

Dr. Pierce: Sweetheart just I.........

He looked at Joker and I got up and walked over to him.

Katherine: Tell me......please.

Dr. Pierce: Do you know why you had to leave Gotham?

Katherine: No I don't remember all I know is when I left, He was mad at and so was Harley but she would barley talk to me.

Joker sat up and sighed heavily he picked up his glass took a swig and went back to listening.

Dr Pierce: When your mother and I were younger we wanted to make this place better healthier so we came up with this idea of a chemical that would detox the water the air and make better living healthy living, when you were born the factory was finished your mother wanted to be more of a stay at home mom and I took over from there when you got older we brought you to the factory and your mother and I created a new future for everyone and you.....The first day we brought you to the lab one of the workers there turned out to be working for Boxy and he was caught and in trying to get away hit a lever that released a chemical vat that hit you. You were in a comma for 5 days and your brain cells had developed and were more faster and stronger than any 7 year old after that your mother swore to keep you safe, then as you got older you got more intrigued with the human brain and the psyche and you passed through school by 16 and collage by 20. We were so happy you decided to become a psychologist rather than a scientist but you still had that from our mom and me. Well eventually I had a run in with an old partner who pulled out because his idea was never taken to thought cause he wasn't doing it for the people but for money. Then I met Joker and I realized he was a man with the same vision only he used it for personal reasons after a few run in's and a change of heart your mother and I decided he could actually help us spread the thought make a weapon of  it to not only help Joker but the guards at Arkham so we did.

He paused for a moment and took his glasses off and walked over and took my hands.

Dr Pierce: Katherine you have to realize your mother and I never intended on involving you in this, but Boxy threw a wild card and we ha no choice.

Joker: Figuratively speaking.

I looked over and smiled.

Katherine: Tell me.

Dr. Pierce: I had to go meet Boxy he was threatening you he knew people in Arkham where you were working and he had all the places you go coffee shops, diners, clubs, he knew you were friends with Joker and Harley I tried to keep our business with Joker a secret I knew that they were your only friends that made you happy and that's all we ever wanted......When I left you followed and Joker and Harley were there and Some of Boxy's men they found you hiding upstairs and dragged you to the edge and threatened that if I didn't make him part of the deal he would hurt you. Joker was the first one to agree he really cared for you and I wasn't that far behind but then he did something I'd never thought he do....and that was hurt you.

Joker: Your father knew that if Boxy ever did something too you I'd be the one to take care of it and I'd make sure he saw and that he would get his last words in.

Dr.Pierce: I was never one for violence until that night to make sure we kept our bargain he video taped everything, he let you go but as soon as you were close enough to the edge he pushed you and there was a vat below you and you fell right in it was to dangerous to jump in after you and no time to put suits on to go in so we drained it when we got it emptied the side door opened and you stepped out but you weren't you, you were something else, your skin was pale and your eye's this....

Katherine: White blue?

They both looked at me surprised.

Dr.Pierce: How do you Katherine.....who told you?

Katherine: I did...when I was "asleep" I found myself walking through the city it was destroyed and there was blood everywhere and....people......I walked and saw someone or I thought it was someone until I got closer and it looked like me but it wasn't me I was in this outfit like a ringmaster look I had bracelets up my arm and the eye's. She looked at me and taunted me saying all she wanted was for me to be happy and guilt free I asked what she meant and I looked and saw mom....laying on the ground.....shot and there was another person so I walked over and it was me well not me but.....I was shot too but mom was more hurt, she reached for my hand and told me "Don't let it control you, this isn't who you are, no matter what we love you" and she died.. I looked down at my chest and  I felt this pain and suddenly I saw blood and the body next to her was gone and I fell and was laying there.

Dr. Pierce: She saved you she wasn't going to let anyone hurt you, when you came out of the tank and Boxy was going to shoot you, it's like you turned into someone else complexly and that person I saw in front of me was my daughter you killed everyone in the room and almost Boxy but Harley yelled and you stopped and then you ran off. For 3 days we looked for you and by that time all the anger you had inside just came out and everything emotion with it you were so angry with yourself you kept saying sorry to m and your mother but your anger just took over. Waller finally found out what happened too you and she ordered a put down if we couldn't stop you so your mother decide to take matters into her own hands and go after you herself, but when she found you so did Waller and your mother tried to stop you and when they attacked you she ran out in front of you...and got hit.

I began to cry and I couldn't catch my breathe and I wen to go sit almost hitting the floor and Joker Caught me and I was blown away it was my fault.

Katherine: All these years I thought it was an accident but it was my fault.

Joker: No baby no don't do that.

Dr Pierce: Katerina Pierce it was Boxy who did this too you, you had no control over it.

We continued talking and I eventually just said enough and I stood up and turned and buried my face into Joker and my father stood there sad.

Dr. Pierce: Sweetheart...I am so sorry I never told you, you had every right to know but I couldn't bare looking at you like you are now knowing I should've just walked away.

He just continued to apologize and he and Joker needed to talk and so I went into the kitchen and I got myself a drink, I took a swig and I stood there pondering if I wanted to hear this or not. I wanted to know why I couldn't remember but he mentioned that because of the trauma and mass brain cell over use it just locked her away and I woke up a week later like nothing happened, I sat my glass down and I put everything away and I thought I was hungry but I wasn't I closed the fridge and went to go back out my father was getting ready to leave and he kissed me goodbye said he would check in a couple days on us then he left.

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