3/3/16 Sad

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Its my brothers birthday tomorrow. But that's not why I'm sad! No!

Its just... I'm in a call with my friend. The only chance I ever get to see her is in the mornings on the bus. We drive PAST their stop. And we wave. That's it. Anyways, she was singing 'Stressed Out' By Twenty One Pilots, and its just... I've left SO many friends behind in my life. I feel loss. I feel it about 5 times a week, for about half an hour each. Its painful. And I'm friends with lots of year seven's at our school. I'm gonna leave next year, but they will stay another year. And then who knows where they'll go?!? I badly want to be their friend, but I'm gonna make them feel loss too. And then there were last year's Year 8's. And Rachel (but at least us two are in the same year and are going to the same school after). I miss them so much. I'm... I'm sorry, everybody who I've left behind, who will not be reading this. I miss you.


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