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"You know, your a real loveable person Tashana" river says as we walk down his red brick driveway

"So are you River" I smile, and so does he

"You really dont have to walk me home river" I say "like, I'm sure you have better things to do than hang out with me or walk me home"

"What, dont you want me to walk you home?" He asks

"Yes I do man, I just didn't think you would actually want to spend time with me" I say

"Why would I have asked to spend time with you then?" He asks

"Look man, I dont know" I say

"Tashana" he says, stops walking, grabs my hand and looks at me "stop doubting yourself, I really do like you, your the best person I have ever met, and the most down to earth, the kindest and most beautiful person too" he looks me in the eyes then he looks away, I actually feel like crying, I dont know why though, god damn emotions.

"Look man, I'm truely sorry, I've never had anyone tell me all the good things about me, its always been the bad, and because of that, I fucking love you man" I say, and he hugs me, I wish I met him sooner, I think my life would be way better than it is now

He let's go and we walk for a couple of minutes in silence

"Um, what sort of love did you mean?" He asks

"Um, I dont know, like um, like, best friends?" I almost question myself, because I don't even know "why?"

"Just wondering" he smiles

We walk to the park, since i gotta go through it to get home. At the park we see a lot of couples down there, holding hands, making out, just enjoying the afternoon/evening

"You know what, I've always been jealous of people in cute relationships, they look so happy, I thought if I had someone who made me feel so special I might actually be ok, yah dig?" I sigh

"You know what, me too, I want the perfect girl who will be my angel, who like me for me, not my fame or how I look, but my personality" he smiles at the ground

We stop for a while and look at everyone, if the world was this calm and kind I think it would be a lot better, oh well, that's life

"We gotta walk through the park by the way" I say

"Well were gonna look weird just like talking, soooo" river starts, he puts his arm around my waist "I better do this" he smiles

"Awe river" I smile

We walk through the park just talking about small things until this girl comes up to us, I knew who she was. Queen Bitch. The most popular girl in school. And the meanest. Especially to geeks and freaks like me. Cruella Jones.

"Well look who we have here" she smiles wickedly, her and her friends come up around river and I , his arm tightens around me "looks like you got yourself a little friend, he's hot, but your not"

"Cruella, leave me alone please, I'm sick of all your bullshit" I say, I am about ready to punch her face in

"Why should I listen to a low life bitch like you?" She spits

"Dont talk to her like that" river says

"He talks, that's nice" cruella says

"Leave her alone, she didn't do anything to you" river says

"Whatever" she rolls her eyes

"Cruella, I swear if you be a bitch to me anymore I'm going to punch your face" I say

"Haha your to pussy" she laughs

"Are you sure about that, it won't be the first time I've punched you" I say

"Punch me and I'll get Bodhi" she says

Bodhi is her boyfriend, captain of the wrestling team and almost every other sport team, tbh he's not that scary, ive punched him too before, buts that's another story...

"What's that gonna do, seriously" I roll my eyes at her

"He'll fucking slay you bitch" she yells

"Look girl, I don't know or care who you are but fuck off alright" river says

"Who is this?" Cruella spits

I look at River desperately cuz idk what to say, so I just let river say something

"I'm her boyfriend" he says slowly and almost questionably

"Haha sure" cruella says sarcastically and roll her eyes

"Prove it" one of her friends says

"Yeah, prove it" cruella says

"Look, we really have to go" I rush

"So your not girlfriend boyfriend?" She asks suspiciously

"Yes we are, now we have to really go" river says quickly

"Not until you prove it!" She crossed her arms across her boobless chest

"Kiss" a girl says

"Yeah" cruella says "I won't believe you until you do"

I felt really awkward, being made to do something so odd in front on a lot of people who hate me. I guess river could tell I was feeling awkward

"Look, we don't wanna rush into things" river says

"Fine then" cruella pouts "Wait until I tell everyone at school"

"Tell them what" I ask

"Your first boyfriend, your gonna be the laughing stock of the school" she laughs

"I already am Cruella" I remind her

"Monday at school will the best day ever" she smiles a cruel smile and her and her friends walk off

"Um who was that?" River asks when their gone

"One of the girls who hate me" I shrug


"Because I'm different I guess" I say

"Is she always like that?"

"Yeah" I sigh

"Dont let her get to you, she's nothing" he says sternly

"I don't care, to be honest" I shrug

"Good" he smiles and we walk through the park in silence

Mean girls oml

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