The Addendum Date

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As fate would have it, or, ridiculously good timing, just as you step foot into Loki's dorm room, the heavens open up outsides and release a downpour to rival all downpours. Your mind doesn't pay much to it, not while you have the room in which Loki Laufeyson, brother of Thor and perpetual lucky star slash date saver lives in for the school months.

It's clean, neat; the furniture isn't second hand, and cheap like yours, but almost reflecting an IKEA vibe with the minimalism and the perfectly aligned neatness of all within it. Or, just half of the room is neat, the other half looks like somewhat of an explosion of chicken feathers and popcorn. 

"My roommate's in hospital, don't mind the mess," Loki gestures to the bombshell vaguely, and grabbing his laptop, he boots up the internet browser, "So, I've looked up local low-price places we could go out to, I was thinking either the botanic gardens, or there's a multiplex cinema nearby..." he muses.

You shake your head, and along with the gesture, you close the lid of the laptop. "Those sound like really great places to go," you start off, meeting his green eyes. They're deep, and the colour mesmerises you, and before you can help yourself not to, you blurt, "To be honest, though, Lokes, I'd rather be alone with you."

He grins. "Lokes?" 

You shrug. "Just trying it out. You don't seem the kind of guy for pet names."

Loki nods, sliding the laptop away, moving toward you. Every step he takes, you catch the whiff of his scent, stronger and stronger until you're enveloped by his presence, his shadow in the crappy dorm lights, his aura. "I'm not," he whispers. "But I am for you."

"Cheesy, much?" You bat his arm, stepping around him. "Let's throw some popcorn on, watch something terribly good from the 90's, talk about our desperate lives and maybe make out. Deal?" you propose.

He beams. "Sounds like a plan, _______."

Four movies, two bags of popcorn, one long snuggle session and two phone calls straight to voicemail later, and it's no longer one o'clock in the afternoon, it's very much later than the both of you ever expected and your eyes are growing heavy even though it's only nigh five hours later. 

"I never picked you up as a romantic comedy fan," you teased Loki, going to stand up. "Pretty Woman? Groundhog Day?" you nudge him, stretching, moving to the mess to help clean it up. "You're quite the catch. I'm surprised you're not already taken."

He groans, nudging you back. "I told you, _______, the only person I'm taken by is you."

On the end of the bed, your phone screen is alight with the tell-tale signs of someone trying to contact you. Though you're not sure why, because you've told all who need to be told where you are to who you need to. All your assignments have been submitted for the week, nothing new popping up at work. 

Yet there's an unknown number calling.

"Are you going to pick it up?" Loki frowns.

Your finger slides over the screen, unlocking and answering the call at once. "Hello? Who's calling?"

There's a pause, and what could only sound like the slow tapping of fingers against the keys of a keyboard. Then, "It's good to finally hear from you, _______." The monotonous computerised voice of a app speaks. It's sure as anything not spoken by a person. You put the phone to speaker just in time for voice to add, "I am the one who is throwing rocks."

You can hear Loki's grip on the empty popcorn bags tighten, just as you repeat, "Who's calling? Who is this?"

"This is vengeance," the computerised voice replies. "This is retribution."

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