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~First Hit, First Run~

part one.

The next thing I remember was waking up on silky smooth sheets that smelled like cologne. I rubbed my face farther into the pillow, trying to soak up as much of the smell as possible. That is until I remembered that my room smelled like gardenias, not boys.

My eyes popped open, as I flew into a sitting position. This was not my room. And these... These were not my clothes. And the voice humming in another room was not my uncle. Although it may have been a heavenly noise, that most definitely meant that the sound could be coming from none of my relatives.

I jumped out of the mysterious bed, spotting my dress folded neatly on the chair by the bedroom door. I left it though. I didn't need a sparkly piece of fabric to help me figure out where the hell I was exactly.

I crept down the hallway, the tune becoming louder but just as I neared the hallway, it stopped leaving the house in an eerie silence.

I put my back against the wall and slid along it slowing down gradually until the tension was crushing me. Suddenly a figure jumped out, causing me to scream and cower on the floor. A serious, Jack the Ripper is standing over me with a knife and a smirk kind of scream.

I heard a cackling and looked up, finding a fully amused Harry pointing and laughing at me. I stood up and straightened out the white v-neck that was draped over my small frame, glowering at his stupid face the whole time.

"You-you should have s-seen yourself! Oh-ho-ho! Man, that was funny!"

"Where am I?" I demanded, looking less than entertained by his performance.

He wiped a tear from his eye and threw his arms out to the side. "Bienvenu a chez moi!"

"Oh," I sighed knowing I was doomed when I got home. I stayed all night with a complete stranger, a gangster at that! And now I was doomed. Doomed, doomed, doomed.

"I have to get home." I ran my hand across my forehead in stress and turned to gather my dress and bag.

"Oh, come on!" Harry coaxed, wrapping his arms around me and planting a kiss on the back of my neck. "Can't you stay? You we're so tired last night. I never got to have my fun with you. I don't even know your favorite color yet."

Yes, because my favorite color was exactly what he wanted to get from me.

I smiled a little, hoping he couldn't see the feint blush on my cheeks. "Lavender."



"Is that even a food? I thought it was a candy."

"It's edible," I laughed softly, completely ignoring the alarms going off in my mind. This was all going to end in disaster, but I wanted to feed into him. I wanted to give him what he wanted.

"Say," he wondered aloud. "Would you want to run errands with me tonight?"

Errands. I knew what he meant by that. Hitting people up is what he should have said, instead of sugar coating it. But still the butterflies his arms around me caused we're enough to sway my answer.

After a while with no response, he spoke up again. "Not trying to put you in line of fire, I just really enjoy your company and you would be a great help, since my partner got... Sick last week."

Got shot, you mean?

"Come on, J.C," he whined out in such an adorable way that I couldn't say no.

"Alright," I replied, feeling something rebellious spark inside of me. "How long until we leave?"

"Three hours. I plan to leave at five."

Take It & Run (Harry Styles)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin