Here I am~Henry's POV

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Henry's POV

The last week was awful, my girlfriend Bianca dumped me because she said that "I didn't pass a lot of time with her" that I'm "suspicious" because I always "disappear with Charlotte for no reason" well, it's not my fault that I'm A SUPERHERO SIDEKICK! And I disappear for a good reason:I had to save the city AGAIN and AGAIN!!!!!I didn't tell Bianca that I'm Kid Danger, I know her, she can't keep ANY secret. I was going to invite her to the prom this saturday, but I think that now it's too I decide to go solo,maybe I can go with Jasper and Charlotte. I was thinking while Charlotte was explained to me my Math problem that as usual I didn't understand. I hate Math, but the way that Charlotte always explain me everything,not like I was an idiot, but like a was the smartest person alive, was magical! I can't explain that. Oh sorry, I didn't introduce myself, I'm Henry Hart, I'm 15 now, I'm Captain Man sidekick and no one know that except for Charlotte, my smartest and sassy best friend, who find out by herself, I have also another best friend,Jasper, he is a strange but sweet guy, and I have an annoying sister,Piper, she can't be a sweet cute girl, NO! She's rude,cruel, selfish, but if anyone hurt me she is here for me, I know that she is annoying but she's a good sister. I was pulled out of my thinking world by Charlotte, who was now angry because I didn't listen to her:

-"Henry, you were staring at the wall....AGAIN! I can't explain to you the problem forever"-she said

-"Sorry Char...can you explain it one more time?"- I said with my puppy dog eyes, that she can't resist

-'Urg....FINE!"- she said

This time I was listening and after her last explanation she said that she had to go. While she was getting her things in her daypack I was starting to feel that! That sensation that I always had with Charlotte, with Jasper it was different, with Charlotte I always started to have butterflies and losing my mind taking my attention on her little particularity, like how her curly brown hair fall perfect on her shoulder and seem so soft, her amazing eyes, where I can loose myself for hours. She changed a lot in these few years, i mean her body changed a lot, and I always found myself staring at her. It's not what it seems like! I'm not in love with Charlotte, I just have these strange feelings.

*the next day*

I was walking in the corridor when I see Charlotte and Jasper talking

-"Charlotte do you think that she likes me back?"- I was confused who was he talking about

-"Of course Jasper, she eat you with her eyes SHE LOVES YOU!"- said Charlotte

-"Hey guys"- I said

-"Hey Henry"-

-"Hey Hen"- said Charlotte

-"What are you talking about?"-they looked at each other and said in unison



-"ok we where talking about the prom..."-said Charlotte

-"And Charlotte said that Chloe likes me back and that I should ask her to the prom"- I give him a smirk

-"You should"-

-"So Char, are you going to the prom with some "special guy"- I said smirking at her now

-"No! I'm not going, no one asked always...."- she seems sad

-"Ok so I ask you "-she dropped her jaw

-"W...What?!"- she said

-"Like friends Char...."-

-"Ahhhhh, ok it would be fun"- she smiled, her perfect smile, oh Gosh!

-"Henry-bear!!!"- I listen a girl screaming, it was...

A/N Who do you think she is?  At 10 likes I will update a new chapter

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