To win her back-Henry's POV

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A/N I'm so glad that you liked the chapter and as I promised here it is the new one.I would really appreciate if you could visit my brother because he started to write here on Wattpad his name is hasak93 now I'll leave you to the chapter,the news that I have to tell you will be at the end.Thanks for reading and enjoy ❤

I was going at home knowing my feelings for Charlotte and now everything finally made sense,it was oblivious that she liked me in THAT way, because instead she wouldn't really care about the prom.I need a plan to win her back and I know exactly what to do.The problem was that I had to do it in time for the prom and it was 3.00 p.m. and the prom was at 8.30 p.m. so I have exactly 5.30 to win Charlotte heart back. The first point on my list was probably the most difficult:broke up with Bianca. Bianca is a really sweet and she cared a lot about me, but when we talk about changing something then she become the Beast,so I prepared myself to face a really angry Bianca. I went at her home and when I was about to knock the door I froze,I couldn't do that to her,I have already broke Charlotte's heart and I do care about Bianca too. I took all the courage that I have and finally I knock at her door,I waited 5 minute before Bianca's sister,Clara opened the door.

"Hey Henry,if you are searching Bianca she's not here"

"Oh,were is she,I wanted to talk to her about the prom?" I asked her

"Oh she's with Blake her new boyfriend,I'm so sorry that you two broken up right before the prom,if you want to we can go together"she said winking at me

"No thanks,actually I would like if you could tell her to go to the prom by herself"

"Sure,I will,bye Henry come back soon!"she said blowing me a kiss.

Now that the Bianca's problem was solved I could finally think to how I could win Charlotte's heart back and to do that I have to do something really big.

*after some hours*

There are only 3.30 until the prom and I am now in front of Charlotte's house.I called her 4 times before she picked up.

"Henry what do you want now?"

"Look out of your window"

"And why I would do that?"

"Because I ask you to"

"Ok,ok fine" she said and after some minutes I finally be able to see her beautiful curly hair and her amazing brown eyes

"Henry?What are you doing here?"

"Just wait and see" after some seconds I finally saw the guys with their instruments near Charlotte's house, and right after they arrive Charlotte said:

"What are you doing?"meanwhile the band started to play "Can't let go"

"Charlotte,I'm so sorry, I've been a completely jerk dumping you ,without you I realised that I love Char would you go to the prom with me...again"I said smiling, after a second there were roses that were falling from the sky,I looked up and smiled at Ray who used the helicopter to help me.

I started to become nervous and when Charlotte closed her window and she went in her house I knew that I failed so I turned around and with a sad face I started to walk away...

A/N Don't hate me please xD I hate the suspance too.As I said at the beginning of the chapter I would really appreciate if you could follow my brother ^^. There will be a new chapter next week if we reach 15 likes again ❤

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