How break someone's dreams-Charlotte's POV

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~H: Hey Char I have to tell you something

CharBear🎀:Sure what's that

H: Me and Bianca got together again and I can't go at the prom with you is that ok?

CharBear🎀:Yeah sure, I mean I didn't even bought the dress or the shoes, so have fun

H: Thanks Char, you're the best😘

Charlotte's POV

C:Yeah sure, I mean I didn't even bought the dress or the shoes so have fun

I texted back while I was staring at the short white dress that I bought yesterday. I am so stupid! I thought that Henry maybe liked me a little, I was so wrong, he has eyes only for Bianca,I have no chances. I decide to stay at home because I don't want to see "Benry" moments, I will be only more sad. I'm happy that Henry is happy. I want him to be happy, but I don't know if I want him to be happy with Bianca. I always cared about Henry,but I started to really like him last year and since then I liked him more than a friend,but Bianca and him really liked each other so as a good friend that I am I helped Henry. Is strange ah? Put his happy on my happy, why can't he be happy with me. I know, maybe this is just a crush but I really him. I thought about all the evening, Prom with Henry, possibly kiss or marathon of "Walking Orange" together, and then "Truth or Dare" , but now, I think that I will lay on my couch seeing Pretty Little Liars and then Teen Wolf,ALONE, while Henry and Bianca will be kissing at the prom, so yeah, tomorrow evening will be the best night ever

*a tear goes down her cheek*

Prom~Chenry Fanfiction❤️~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ