Chapter 1

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Alexis's POV~

I woke up at exactly 6:00 AM. I walk towards to the bathroom.

I'm Alexis Carpenter and I'm 17. I have brown hair and eyes. I'm the youngest quadruple and child. My parents are mafias. They do a lot of crimes. I hate seeing people suffer. Although my whole family loves seeing it. It's only my mom, dad, and my 2 brothers and one sister. Who are also older than me.

I looked at the box. It was full of weapons. Knives, guns, and belts. Yes, belts. And I am sure you can name the rest. I picked up the box and walked to Caden's room.

Caden Carpenter is the oldest quadruple. Only by 7 minutes. Caden has the same features as I do. Caden was my favorite brother. He is like a guy version of me. Except... he wants to be a mafia. He's not a professional, but he's training.

I opened the door and Caden was on his bed. His stomach was on the bed and his head was facing the wall. Still sleeping. I didn't like killing people, so I gave them to my siblings.

I pulled out some of the weapons and placed them on his desk. The box still had more weapons. I'm lucky I didn't scratch myself with the knife when I tripped. I'm clumsy.

I closed the door to Caden's room and walked to Madison's room. She was sleeping peacefully with her sleeping mask. And of course with a gun in her hand.

Madison Carpenter is the second oldest quadruple. She has blue eyes, unlike me. If you are wondering if we're quadruplet, why do she has blue eyes and Caden and I don't? Well, Caden and I have our father's eyes. While Madison has my mother's eyes. She has pink hair, which is not natural. Duh. I do have a cousin that dyed his hair silver. But that is a different story.

I placed the weapon on her nightstand. I closed her door and walked to Jayden's room.

Jayden Carpenter is the second youngest quadruple. He has brown hair and blue eyes. Just a fun fact, Caden smokes but Jayden doesn't.

When we were little, we didn't know what our parents did. They would always be gone, doing whatever. When we were 12, we snuck out and saw our parents killing people.

5 years ago.

We were all sitting on the couch. Madison and Jayden would always be on a team and so would Caden and I. Caden and I wanted video games but Maddie and Jayden wanted to watch tv.

We couldn't decide so we all decided on ice-cream. We were walking to the nearest ice-cream shop. Our parents love us no matter what so we stayed close to home as possible.

"Please give me more time. I just don't have the money." We heard someone begged. We peaked at the ally couple shops away from the place.

"You had your time," that voice stopped. "Your time to live." Then we heard a gun shot.

We all screamed and they slowly turned to us.

Maddie and I started to cry because we saw our parents were the one who was shooting.

Their eyes widen.

"Kids it's not what it look like," my dad said.

"Oh really!" Jayden snapped. "It looks like you just fucking killed someone!"

"Watch your tone Jayden Carpenter... or else."

"Or else what?" he challenged.

"I think they are ready," my mom said in a calm voice.

"You sure?" she nodded. He sighed. "You kids go home and we'll talk about it."

We all picked up ice-cream and walked home.

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