Chapter 25

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Time skip~7 years later...

Alexis Carpenter

"Momma help me!" I turned to see a little girl running towards me. I picked her up, thinking she might be in danger.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Alane, he's after me." She giggled as a little boy came running in the kitchen. She stuck her tongue at him and he repeated the action.

"I'm gonna get you Alane Carpenter!" I heard a voice outside the kitchen. Dylan ran inside the kitchen looking like he was defeated. "Oh no!" He said falling on his knees. "I'm going away. Hi grandma!" He said waving in the air. He then fell on the floor closing one eye leaving the other one opened. He stuck his tongue out on the side on his mouth.

The kids ran to Dylan and went to tickle him. Dylan wasn't budging, he kept pretending to be dead. "Aunt Tanya and aunt Anya, can you help us?" They said in usion.

Tanya and Anya both grins and went to tickle him. Dylan was now wiggling on the floor laughing uncontrollably like a retarded seal. I had to laugh along with them. I smiled at them but they couldn't see me because their back was facing me.

This was my life right now and I'm happy to live in it. My best friends were there to support me, my cousin was always there for me back then and my brother. We missed 6 years but we reconnected from the past 7 years. Lastly, my kids. They were my life. Screw mafia, all I need in my life was 6 people.


"I see the head! Give it a good push." I pushed as I screamed. I tilted my head back as I heard the most angelic sound ever. My baby was born.

"Congratulations, Miss Carpenter. It's a girl." I smile but it soon faded

I screamed as a felt another contraction. "What the fuck!?" I feet another pain that went through my body. "I thought I was having one child."

"On 3, start pushing." The doctor said. I nodded. "One, two, three!"

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed as I pushed.

"Give it another push." I pushed and gripped the hospital bed. I had no hand to hold because everyone was outside. "It's almost there." I pushed hard. "I see the head." I pushed the hardest out of all of them. I was catching my breaths as I heard a cry. I smiled but it faded.

"I'm not having a third or fourth child am I!?" The doctor chuckled and shooked his head. I blew a breath in relief.

"Congratulations, it's a boy." I smiled. A boy and girl. I heard one last cry before blacking out.

I woke up and I saw the doctor finishing up the birth certificate. I raised an eyebrow. I didn't remember naming the child yet. I only remembered pushing two babies and heard cries before blacking out.

"Here at the birth certificates." I took a look at them. "Do you want a middle name before I type it on the real one?"

Zalexis Carpenter~6:30 pm on March 28, 2016. -Sex F~6 pounds

Alane Carpenter~6:32 pm on March 28, 2016. -Sex M~10 pounds

"I think Zalexis Elizabeth Carpenter and Alane Nathan Carpenter."The doctor nodded before going to the computer to type it.

"I'll tell your friends to come in. They told me you wanted to name your children. They are really beautiful." He walked out and Tanya, Anya, Dylan, and Parker walked in.

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