Chapter 5

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Serena's POV ~

Have you ever feel like your happy and loved at the same time? Because that's what I feel now.

I woke up finding cards and rose petals on the floor leading me to Laurance in the kitchen. He was making me breakfast. It was a very long time since he made me breakfast. He was always busy with work.

Last time he met Alex, his hair was blonde. But his hair is not brown. Don't get me confused. I love his new hair color. It matches his eyes.

I wrapped my arms around his waist behind him. I layed my the side of my cheek on his back.

"Morning beautiful" he said in a husky voice. Probably his morning voice.

He turned around and started leaving kisses all over my face. Next, my jawline and neck. Lastly to my lips. I smiled into the kiss. My pulled away when we heard a knock on the door.

"Aioi!" I said while hugging him. With his friend Jesse.

"Serena," someone cleared their throat. That someone was Laurance with a raised eyebrow.

I smirked knowing he's jealous. Obviously he never met Aioi.

"Aioi, this my boyfriend Laurance." I smiled. "Laurance, this is Aioi. My cousin" empathizing 'cousin'

I saw Laurance relaxed.

They shook their hands and they headed towards the couch.

They all sat on the couch.

"This is my apartment. I would like somewhere to sit" Laurance laughed and shook his head.

He pulled me on his lap.

"Serena, this i-" Aioi kept talking but I stopped listening because I saw Laurance staring at something.

I looked down seeing his stare at my curves.

"-do you enjoy it here?" He finished.


"Nevermind. We have to go to Alex's house. We'll see you later" I nodded and they walked out.

He started tracing his fingers down my curves.

He placed his lips on my earlobes. It caused me to shiver.

"Serena, you really beautiful and I love you. I will love you F.O.R.E.V.E. there is no R at the end of forever because there will never be an end between us" I smiled and kissed him. He was really sweet. That's why I love him.

Alexis's POV ~


"Why do you call me babe? We are only going on a date and that's it." He smirked.

"You can't deny you have feelings for me"

Yeah you can't deny you have feelings for him.

Shut up brain. I don't need you telling me to do.

"Life without you is like a broken pencil, pointless" I raised my eyebrow.

"Baby, are you a thief? Because you stole my heart"

"You must be a camera, because everytime I look at you, I just smile"

"What are you doing?"I asked.

"Bye" my mouth opened. What just happened?

It's destiny.

Kira's POV ~

I was so in a rush. I was never late to class. But I guess I will have to be late now.

I was almost there. So close. But then I bumped into a hard chest.

Well thanks, I'm late.

"I'm sorry" someone apologized.

"Thanks bu-" I looked up and saw a guy standing in front of me.

He was very attractive. He has brown hair with light hazel brown eyes. He was of course taller than me.

"It's alright. I'm Kira" I pulled out my hand.

"I'm Parker" he smiled and shook my hand.

"I'm sorry but I have to get to English Literature"

"No way. I have that class next" we walked to that class.

"Ms. Woods and Mr. Janis. I hope next time your not late to class" we nodded and Parker sat next to me.

Alexis's POV ~

I was walking home from school.

I had to do my homework. Also I wanted food.

Zane was at some meeting. I didn't really care because we aren't dating and I don't wanna spent time with him.

Yes you do.

I crossed the street and I was only couple blocks away from home.

Zane was not that bad. I would date Zane but he's famous. We wouldn't spend time together and he will always be busy.

So you do want to be with him.

I was 2 blocks away from food.

Food, delicious, food.

But know something. Guys say "Bros before hoes"

But girls know something. Always say "Food before dudes"

Okay? Okay.

I was in front of the ally that always creeped me out.

I was pulled into the ally. Last thing all I could hear was.

"Your mafia's daughter. You should have seen this coming" then I was out.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

If I left you wierdos a cliffhanger then I'm sorry.

Let's recap.

Laurance was being really sweet to Serena. I mean cards, petals, and breakfast. Not to mention the sweet phrase.

Zane and Alexis. #TeamAlane.

Who saw Kira's POV coming? And Parker. He doesn't seem one of those bad-boys guys.

And a twist Alexis was shot.

Teaser: Deep moments.

Bai ~
~ Leela

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