Chapter 1

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It all began on that fateful Saturday morning.

I had been dragged from my bed impossibly early by my witch of a mother and told to pick up some milk from the local corner shop. I did as I was told, far past the days of rebellion where I fought against my parents. I knew my place in this household.

I quickly changed into the first things I found in my cupboard, still groggy from my sudden awakening. I hastily put on a pair of denim shorts, a floaty green vest along with my black Converse.

My mother was bustling around in the kitchen while my father was most likely still sleeping. I quietly escape through the door and breathe in the very-early morning air.

It's still dark outside, the first rays of sun only just peaking over the horizon. I wrap my arms around my torso, wishing that I'd brought a jacket to protect me from the stinging morning air.

The walk to the corner shop is short, only two minutes long, but it includes walking through a dangerous part of town. A part where, only the week before, a young girl had been stabbed and left for dead, where drug abuse is a everyday thing, where you're either part of a gang or beaten up. This part of town was not for a relatively wealthy girl like me.

I walk past the beaten up houses and apartment buildings of the area, taking my time walking around any corner where an axe murderer could hide.

I just have one more alleyway to walk through before the streets begin to clear up and the corner shop is in view.

Just five steps…

Four steps…

Three steps…

Two steps…

One step…

Someone grabs my arm and pushes me against the wall of the alley. I can't see his face because he's covered it with a clown mask.

I always was afraid of clowns.

"Don't scream or I'll stab you." is all I remember before everything turns into a blur of terror and agony.

I was raped.

Jason POV

today is my first day of school, why am i transfering in the middle of the year? i don’t have a clue...

I’m walking to school now, there is a girl, she keeps constantly looking over her shoulder and wincing, i wonder? then a group of people walked up to her

“Hey! Slut! wait up!!” she looked back, fearfully,

the guy smacked her, really hard, she fell on the ground and whimpered

“You are a disgrace to the human race! why don’t you just kill yourself already?”

her reply was muffled because of the distance

he leaned down and punched her in her other cheek and walked away, laughing cruelly

i ran up to her

“Are you ok?”

she nodded and tried to get up

“here let me help you” she shook her head, she was dizzy

“i’m gonna be sick” she leaned over and retched violently

“are you going to school?”


“c’mon i will walk with you”

we slowly trudged up to school, the school is a school for rich people, i can tell, all brick,  really thick windows, and all of the people looked like snobs, they were looking at me like i had two heads, why though?

“Hey slut! done any blows today?”

the girl lowered her head, i looked at the guy, its the one from the street, i saluted him, with my middle finger as i walked by

she started laughing

we went into the school

“you’re new here aren’t you?”

“yeah, “

;well the office is this way, you should go get your schedule”

“come with me?”

she sighed

“look, if you know what’s good for you you won’t hang around me”

“yeah well i don’t care what’s good for me, i want to be your friend”

she huffed and rolled her eyes

“well, i’m Jason, “

“Jason bourne?!”

“no, Jason Gilde”

“oh, well I’m Emma, Emma johnson”

we shook hands, very awkwardly may i add...

we talked about anything and everything, we exchanged numbers, i made a friend on my first day

*6 hours later*

From emma: heyy whats number 8 on homework? *puppy dog pouts*

to emma: lol its 728 :)

From emma: thank youuu!!!

To emma: lol yw

“who you texting sweetie?”

“My friend emma from school”

mum tensed just  a little

“what’s her last name?”

“uhmm Johnson why?”

“just wondering, is she nice?”

“yes she is, but she’s bullied, horribly, they hit her, call her names, the whole lot...”

“thats nice sweetie”

just shows my mum doesn’t listen to me

I ate my dinner quickly and went back upstairs, as i was changing i decided to listen to music for a while,

I dozed off, thinking about Emma and her story.

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