Chapter 2

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Everything changed after that day.

I went through the trauma of being raped, losing my virginity to some stranger with a clown mask. I thought it'd be over, I'd finally grasped the fact that everything could be okay, that everything was fine.

Then I found out I was pregnant.

And everything was changed.

I was fairly well liked before, good grades, impeccable attendance record, I never remembered a day where I didn't smile at least once. Even if it was forced.

Even bad days have happy moments.

But the day I found out was the bleakest, most horrible day of my life and, when I look back, there wasn't one happy moment that I could think of. I remember the sick feeling in my stomach as I held the pregnancy test in my hand.

The moment I realised that I was carrying my rapest's baby.

* * *

I hear what they say about me.

I don't know where and how they found out I was pregnant but they have and the news has spread like wildfire. A few people have directly asked me if the rumours are true and when I didn't answer it only confirmed their accusations.

I am now officially the school's slut.

"Hey, slut! Wait up!" I stop walking, knowing immediately who it is. My boyfr- EX boyfriend, Gareth. He's most likely with his gang of friends.

I turn around fearfully, bracing myself for the worst. Just as I thought, Gareth and his not-so-merry men are there.

Gareth smacks me extremely hard, throwing me to the ground in the process. I lift my hand up to touch my cheek and whimper when it stings.

"You are a disgrace to the human race! Why don't you just kill yourself already?" Gareth looks down at me with an expression filled with disgust.

"If I keep looking at your face I will." I say mumble emotionlessly through gritted teeth.

Gareth looks pissed for a few moments before he leans down and punches my other cheek. He gives me one more hate-filled glare before he turns around and walks away, laughing cruelly.

I'm just gathering my things that had fallen from my fall and put them in my bag when a guy runs up to me.

"Are you okay?" he asks me, face full of worry.

I nod, trying to get up before my spinning head and queasy stomach stop me.

"Here, let me help you." he says holding out a hand for me to grab. I shake my head, trying to collect my thoughts and stop the world from spinning around me. The guy in front of me is just a blur of colours, spinning and mixing with everyone else around me. I feel bile rising in my throat.

"I'm gonna be sick." I gasp before I lean over and retch violently, squeezing my eyes shut and blocking out the spinning world around me.

"Are you going to school?" The boy asks me when I've regained some composure of normality. I swallow and open my eyes.

"Yeah." I manage to get out.

"C'mon, I will walk with you." he says kindly.

For the rest of the day we just hang out, his name is Jason and we have a lot in common. We exchanged numbers and, right now, he's one of the only friends I have.

* * *

I wake up with a horrible morning sickness.

As soon as I open my eyes I can tell that this is going to be a long day. I run out of my bed, down the hallway and towards the bathroom. I slam the door behind me and sit in front of the toilet retching, but nothing comes up.

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