Chapter 3

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I've never worried about my weight before. I was always that girl who could eat whatever she wanted without gaining any weight.

But my baby belly was starting to show and, now, I'm a lot more conscious.

I look through all of my clothes, desperately trying to find something that won't show my slightly protruding stomach. I don't want anyone to see my stomach, it'll just give them proof that I'm pregnant. It'll be like adding fuel to an already fierce fire.

I eventually decide on a baggy jumper which hides my curves.

My arms ache from the punishment with Jason yesterday. I'm not sure how good of an idea it was, but, I'll admit, it was actually fun. I got to spend more time with Jason which is always a plus.

I don't know why he's so nice to me, he knows that I'm pregnant, he knows I'm the school's slut, he knows that he's not going to get a good reputation fom hanging out with me, yet he still does it.

Why? That's what I want to know.

I pack my bag with all the appropriate notebooks and head for the door. But my mum stops me.

"Where do you think you're going?" she screeches.

"School." I reply venomously.

"Wearing that? I don't think so. Your father--"

"Has a very high reputation to uphold, he can't have his only daughter going out like a homeless person." I imitate her voice and she scowls disapprovingly at me. "I know, I've heard this a million times before and I really don't care. I don't want to wear 'rich kid' clothes every day, okay?" I fume.

"I think, just this once, I can make an exception. But do this once more and I'm going to dress you myself. Do you understand?" she says in a patronising tone.

"Of course, mother. Thank you, mother." I recite and practically run out of the house.

If there's anything I hate more than Gareth and his minions, it's my mother, my father and his stupid election. Just because I'm the so called soon-to-be mayor's daughter I have to act like a stuck up princess. I went along with the act for most of my life, but, over the last few years, I've given up.

My father's been up for three elections so far and he's lost all of them, yet my mother still thinks we need to act like the royal family.

They would do anything for my father to become mayor, they even set me up with Gareth, the current mayor's son. As you know, that didn't end well.

Gareth and I hate each other.

"Hey, Emma!" Someone shouts after me, I turn around to see a running Jason.

"Hey, Jason." I reply, playing with a loose thread on my sleeve.

"No Gareth today?" he asks.

"Nope. Hopefully he's either getting a life, we've scared him off, or he's been hit by a bus full of hippos." I voice my thoughts and Jason laughs.

"A bus full of hippos?" he questions.

"Yeah, why wouldn't there be a bus full of hippos driving by? They could be going to the zoo or someone might've wanted a few pet hippos. I don't know! Don't question me, child." I joke.

Jason laughs quietly, "So, are you ready for our first round of detention today?" he asks me.

"Ready as I'll ever be. I just hope that Mrs. Wood's will assign us to an elderly teacher for detention, then maybe they'll be a chance that she'll fall asleep."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2013 ⏰

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