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     After giving Melanie a ride, I come back home and open up my laptop. I log into facebook and update my status. I noticed that I had a new friend request-from Melanie. I click "accept." Once I do that, she chats with me on facebook. Hi Rachel! Thanks for the ride. :) I type back: NP. so wut's up? We talk for a while. She explained to me that what I did the other day after school was the right thing to do and it was really nice. Talking to Melanie made me feel really happy inside. We talked for so long that I felt like maybe we could end up being really good friends.


     And I was right, because the next day of school, Melanie invited me to sit with her and her friends at lunch. Her friends were super nice to me. I had to go back and forth from my usual lunch table with Kelly to their table because I didn't want Kelly to feel ignored. After about a week, I got invited to Melanie's house. We decided to walk to her house right after school on Friday. I'll admit, I'm kind of freaking out right now. Friday better come quick.

     It's friday. I'm standing in front of the flagpole at the back of our school. I see Melanie and she waves to me. Sadie and Tiffany are trailing behind her. "Alright," Melanie says, "Let's start walking to my house now." We talk nonstop the whole way. I'm wondering if I could be considered part of "The pretty people" now that I hang out with them. It's best if I don't ask, I thought to myself. I didn't want to sound like a wanna-be.

     When we get to her house, it smells like vanilla cupcakes. Maybe her mom is baking something. But then I notice the candle on the fireplace mantle. It says: "Vanilla Icing" on the lable. Ah. Just then, a girl walks past us. "Hi Sadie, Hi Tiffany." She says. She purses her lips when she sees me. "What's your name?" "I'm Rachel." I say. "Nice to meet you." she says. "I'm Mary; Melanie's sister." I could tell. There faces were pretty much identical. Except for the fact that Mary dyed her hair magenta. "Come on, let's go to my room." Melanie said. I followed her up the spiral staircase. Her house was huge. Whenever you talked, it practically echoed throughout the house. Her room had a bunch of pink stuff in it. "As you can see, bubblegum pink is my favorite color..." Melanie said, as if she read my mind. "Anywho, we have decided that you, Rachel Brown, are now an official member of The Pretty People. What do you say?" "Seriously?!" I said, shocked by her offer. Everyone in my grade wanted to be in Melanie's little group. It was like I just won a grammy or something. "Seriously." she said, smiling. "Ok... sure! That sounds great." I was still surprised that she actually let me be part of "The Pretty People." "We usually don't add people," Melanie explained, "But we feel like you're such a kind person and no one's ever stood up for me like you did the other week. I would never have been so brave to do that. After getting to know you, we think you make a perfect addition to our group." "Oh... Thanks." Then, I grinned. Being part of the Pretty People was really special in our grade. "The Pretty People" wasn't a clique or a social group. It was just a group for fun. Of course, you were popular, but there's more to it than just being popular at school. It's hard to explain. All I knew was that high school was going to be awesome.

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