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     "Hi! Can I please get a number 5?" I tell the lady working at Chick-Fil-A. I felt like eating warm, yummy junk food today. I bring my tray of waffle fries, a spicy chicken sandwhich, and a medium lemonade to the table that Melanie was sitting. "Hey!" she said. "Hola." "Sadie and Tiffany are still waiting for their food." she explained. I took a quick glance at what she got; a small salad and a bag of bagel chips. "Want a fry?" I ask. "No thanks," she said. "I'm... kinda on a diet." "You? On a diet?" She nodded. "Melanie... you don't need a diet! You're perfectly fine!" "Well, I'm going for a flat stomach." I thought she already had one. Her facebook picture was her in a bikini anyways. Her stomach was skinny but it wasn't flat. It didn't have to be, anyways. She was pretty. I didn't have to say anything after that, because Tiffany and Sadie came over with trays of Chinese food.


     "Oh my god!! Rachel, get over here!" Sadie said. "What is it?" "Look at this shirt!" She held up a shirt that said: PRETTY AS A PICTURE. with a sequined camera on it. "That's cute." I said. "Are you going to buy it?" "Well... I think we should ALL get it. We can wear it to school on Monday! Wouldn't that be sooo cute?" "I guess so." I took a shirt and said, "Be right back, I'm gonna try this on." "Kay kay."

     I swapped my burnout v neck tee for the new camera shirt. I have to admit; it looked really good on me. I checked the price tag; $32.50. Kind of expensive for a tee shirt, but hey, I just wanted to have fun with my new friends and I thought the idea of buying the same shirt and wearing them, bei ng the Pretty People and all, was a pretty cool idea. At first, I thought it would make me look like a show off, but then I decided to buy it. I stepped out of the dressing room. Melanie, Sadie, and Tiffany were saving me a spot in line. "So, how was it?" Sadie asked. "Good. I'm going to buy it." "Yay!! Now we can be twinzies!" Tiffany exclaimed.

     For the rest of the mall trip, the only things I bought besides my new shirt was an ice cream and a pair of feather earrings. I brought $45 with me, so I couldn't buy too much stuff since the camera shirt was pretty expensive. But hey, I still had another shopping spree with Kelly tomorrow!


     "Is it gonna hurt?!" Kelly said. We were at the body piercing and tattoo shop, which was right next to the mall. Kelly told me that we would stop here because she wanted to get a nose piercing, which her mom agreed to. "Well, it depends. If your ear piercing didn't hurt, then it'll probably be okay. It might hurt a little bit, but I can gaurentee you that you won't be screaming in agony." the guy said. "Otway." she said. Whenever Kelly was nervous or excited, (Or both, in this case) she would start talking like a baby. Her mom signed some papers, then the guy, who's name happened to be "Mike" on his name tag, took some alchohol and a cotton swab to get started.

     "Oh my god! I LOVE IT!!!!" Kelly squeled in excitement. Mike grinned. "How do I look?" Kelly turned to me. "It looks awesome! Here, say cheese!" "Cheeeeeeeeeeeeese!" I snapped a picture on my iphone. "This," I said, "Is your brand new contact picture!" I smiled. Kelly now had a little diamond stud on the left side of her nose. "Okay girls, ready to go to the mall?" Kelly's mom said. "Yep!"

     "Okay, I'll pick you guys up at 6:00. Sound good?" "Sure, that's fine." I said. "Come on, let's go! I can finally walk around with this thing now!" Kelly pointed at the little sparkly dot on her nose. "Haha; I'm really excited to start shopping. Plus, Melanie's birthday is next week. I gotta get her a birthday present! What do you think she'll like?" I felt kind of mean talking about Melanie in front of Kelly, but I wanted to know her opinion. "Well... I don't really know. Just get her a giftcard or a peice of jewelry or something. You're the one that's friends with her." "Okay."

     I ended up getting her a ring from Pandora Jewelry box. I didn't spend too much money on it. It was $35, which meant I had another $35 left to spend. I brought more money with me than yesterday, since I didn't get much.


     "Wow! We sure do have a lot of shopping bags!" Kelly said. She was holding about 6 or 7 bags, and I had 5. Kelly brought $100 with her. (Left over birthday money) I kept in mind that I was now part of The Pretty People while I was shopping. Usually, I would buy simple things like skinny jeans, hoodies, and graphic tees, but today, I tried buying more colorful and not-so-basic things. I was kind of getting bored of the same old stuff anyways. I bought an all over lace tee, a body mist, and a pair of jelly flats that were on sale. I was having a great day. Then I saw Tiffany. Why is she here again? "Oh my god! Rachel! Hi!!" "Hey!" I said. Kelly looked a little upset, which was understandable. I knew she wanted us to be alone and have some girl time. "You're Kelly, right?" "Yep." "I see. Nice nose peircing." That seemed to brighten Kelly up a bit. "Thanks! I just got it today." Then Tiffany started talking to me again, and Kelly got kind of mad again.

~picture of Rachel on the side (Ashley Rickards)~

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