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I clicked the "send" button, then I re-read the e-mail I just sent Melanie about Miami. I logged onto Facebook and was tagged in a few photos, so I checked them out, and then I played Mall World; my addiction. After about an hour of playing that game, I refreshed my inbox and up came Melanie's reply. It said:

hey ray,

sure, i'll tell meh mere that you can't make it the first day of spring break and she'll book tickets for tuesday instead. sound good? and ur mom doesnt hafto pay for anything; it's fine, we've gotchu covered. ^_^ see ya!

~Melanie ♥♥♥

I wrote her an e-mail back, explaining how my mom really wanted to pay for my plane ticket, since it's so expensive and thanking her for changing the date. I logged off both my e-mail and Facebook and started my math homework.


     Once everything about the spring break trip to Miami was settled, Melanie, Sadie, Tiffany, and I decided to go bikini shopping. We entered the new swimsuit store that was built inside the mall. I sipped on my cookies and cream shake and walked around looking for a cute bikini. I don't like swimming, but I love the beach, so I'm always looking for cute bikinis to buy. My skin needed some tanning, so it was perfect that we were going to Miami in a few weeks. "Rachel, which one do you think looks better?" Sadie asked, holding up a lavender bandeau bikini top, and a coral paisley printed triangle top next to it. "Hmmm...they both look cute." I said. "Okay. I'll try on both." I was still looking around, while Melanie, Sadie, and Tiffany were in the dressing rooms. Then, I found it. In the middle of the messy clearance rack, there was a metallic gold bikini with silver leapord print on it. There was only one left in my size; perfect. I found a dressing room and tried the bikini on. It looked really good on me, I'll admit. I checked the price tag. There was a thick, red line over the original price and next to the line, someone scribbled "$19.50." I got out of the dressing room and saw Melanie standing in line. "What are you getting?" I asked her. She held up a sliding halter top with a jungle leaf pattern on it and matching bottoms. "Cute." I said. "What about you?" I showed her the top I tried on. She nodded. "I'll be right back, I need to find bottoms to match." "Ok." I quickly scanned the clearance rack again and found silver bottoms with sequins all over it, then I stood in line behind Sadie and Tiffany, who both found cute bikinis to wear over spring break as well.

     "I'm getting hungry." Tiffany said. "Let's go grab some lunch!" We went to the food court and got some food. I picked a table in the middle of the food court for us to sit at. When everyone sat down, Melanie said "I'm so excited to wear this thing to Miami!" "Same." I said. "Thanks again for inviting me to come with you guys." "No problem!" I dunked my waffle fry into a little cup of ketchup and nibbled on it. In the corner of my eye, I saw a redhead. Not any redhead, but Kelly. She was standing in line, getting a pizza. I was afraid that she'd get mad seeing me with The Pretty People, so I tried my best to turn my face away from her, but it was no use because Tiffany saw her, too and waved. Kelly waved back and smiled. She walked over "Hi guys! Hey Rachel, I didn't know you were here!" she said. "Mind if I sit with you guys?" "Not at all." Melanie said, scooting over to make room for her. "So, you guys are doing some shopping, too?" Kelly asked. "Yeah! We just bought bikinis for our trip to Miami over spring break." Kelly glanced at me. "You guys are going to Miami?" "Yep." Tiffany chirped. I didn't tell Kelly about Miami, because she's very sensitive and she probably thinks that now we've made up, we should all hang out together. "Oh...I never knew that." she said, looking hurt. Then she pulled my arm. "Come on Rachel, I need to go to the bathroom. Be right back!" she waved to the table. "You guys are going to MIAMI? How come I don't know anything about this?!" "Well...I didn't want to hurt your feelings. I thought that you'd get mad at me if I told you." but right now, it was the opposite. "I wouldn't get mad..." her voice trailed off. "Answer this next question honestly." I said. "Are you jealous or something? Because I feel like that fight we had has something to do with you being jealous. You're friends with them now, too, so don't get mad that we're all going to Miami." Kelly hesitated for a minute, then said. "Ok fine. Maybe I was a LITTLE jealous...I wish I could go with you guys." "Sorry if you feel hurt." I said sympathetically. "It's okay, I guess. I hope you guys have fun." she managed a weak smile. "Please don't get mad, ok?" "Ok." Kelly said, and then she walked into a bathroom stall and locked it.

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