Doctor Who?

77 10 3

But Doctor,

Doctor Who?

That's no name,

Not for a man,

Not one I've ever heard.

But Doctor,

Doctor Who?

There must be more,

You must be lying,

You know it's just absurd.

But Doctor,

Doctor Who?

The Ponds, Jackie, Rose,

Martha and Donna too,

Captain Jack and Mickey Smith,

But Doctor,

Doctor Who?

Throughout the ages it's been asked,

Throughout the ages you've replied,

But now you can't deny,

But Doctor,

Doctor Who?

Now Clara's someone special,

Someone who finally saw through,

Someone who went farther when it was asked,

But Doctor,

Doctor Who?

Silence will fall when the question is asked,

So hush now don't speak a word,

Because someone spoke up and we need an answer,

But Doctor,

Doctor Who?

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