Numb and Blind

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When did the world become so blind?

Do the bullets flying by make our eyes so hard to find?

Or are we just numb to the fact people are dying in a deadly rain?

Will the world lose its ability to feel pain?

When no one cares that people are dying from starvation and dehydration?

Has the world began to believe in the process of elimination?

When we could feed them with the food thrown away?

But we keep on going, without thinking, day by day?

Why has society taken all the reasons left to be kind?

Don't they know once you dive in there is no rewind?

When people have money to spend on things they don't need,

Do you think the poor have time for greed?

Do you think it's their fault they're struggling to survive?

Do you know that they're the ones we need to revive?


Hi guys.

I don't know where this came from, but honestly,

I don't understand some people.

They get a laptop, an iPad or cellphone for Christmas and still want more.

I just can't relate. All my electronics I bought myself, and am in grade eight with no cellphone and am surviving just as well if not better.

Please, can't you just realize people-CHILDREN as well-are dying everyday from dehydration or starvation or being forced to be a child solider and kill their parents and young girls live in fear of sexual assault. Their parents can hit them there. It's not like people will enforce rules 90% of the time. Girls in Afghanistan are getting attacked with acid and bombs for just going to school or walking through the streets. Child labour, human trafficking, abuse, sexual assault and forced marriages are not just stories of the past, they are happening now, as we live our perfect lives today.

"That there is a silent genocide of women and girls in the home, communities and just about everywhere is not a new story. That my great grandmother, grandmother, mother, mother-in-law, aunt, sister, niece, cousin, housemaid, co-worker, friend neighbour and just about every female shares the same pain is not a new story. What is a new story is how I stood up to say 'never again'. Never again will a woman or girl get raped, killed, drop out of school, be harmed by our culture or sexually enslaved. That is as long as I know about it. Never again-not to any women or girl is the new story."

-Betty Makoni.

"When we could feed a starving world,

With what we throw away,

But all we serve are empty words,

That always taste the same."

-Nickleback-The drumbeat carries on.

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