Chapter 61- Shut Down

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I ran out past Carlyn to Jason's dorm. "Beatin ya ass bitch! Whooo!" I yelled, sprinting past her. There's one good thing about getting up early, you can get really hyper later on. And man, I sure was.

"Shhh!" She scolded, still taking a leisurely pace through the hall.

I found Jason's and Richard's dorm and knocked on it. "Hello . . ." The one who answered was a rather groggy Richard. "Whooo defuq ess it??" He grumbled through the door. "It's me . . ." I whispered through the keyhole. "That sure fucking answers the question," he mumbled.

He opened the door anyway and I hopped in, tackling Richard and knocking him to the floor. I covered his mouth before he could scream. "I'm taken you know," he mumbled against my hand. "For the rest of your life," I reminded him. I looked over and floated up the ladder to Jason's bunk. He was still sleeping peacefully, his smexy bed head covering his gorgeous eyes. "Oh, he looks so cute sleeping. It'd be such a shame if he were to . . .WAKE UP!!!!!!!!" I screamed in his ear.

He came tumbling out and fell onto the floor. I was giddy with laughter and floated even higher to the ceiling. "The hell?" Jason grumbled. He looked up to see me. "What was that for?" He murmured, I floated upside down to where we were about to do the Spiderman kiss. "It's my biiiirthdayyyy," I sang. "Jeez, thought you didn't want it to be that special. And shouldn't the others wake the birthday girl?" he asked me. I shrugged.

"Hey Zoey, get the others, you too Tyler don't give me those puppy eyes. Close the door on your way out," I said.

"It's like, 7 in the morning," Jason whined. "Just shut up and kiss me," I said.

I was still floating upside down when we kissed, and it felt sweet. The kiss lingered til we heard someone "clear their throat".

Carlyn did, and she stared at Jason. I knew she was sending some sort of message through their minds and I didn't like being excluded. "Fuck you and your mind powers," I glared at Carlyn. She chuckled at my ill attempt to humor her.

"Don't hang upside down for too long, the blood will rush to your head," she said. I flipped right side up and sat down next to Jason on the floor.

"It already does when she's with me," Jason smirked. I glared at him."Damn you," I said.

"I would think of something else for you to say to me."

"What do you suggest?"

"Fuck you."

"Well if you insist."

"Are you saying it'd be your pleasure?" He held a smug smile. I scowled and playfully smacked his right arm. "Wipe that shit eating grin off your face," I said. "I'm afraid it's not EXACTLY shit I'll be eating out,"

"What are you going to get Chinese or-OHH, MY GOD, YOU DIRTY PANDA," I said to him. Damn, he's more dirty minded than moi. And that's saying something.

The others got there pretty soon. "Hey, birthday girl!" They yawned.




We got dressed in regular clothes. Since we were skipping class we didn't have to wear our uniforms for the day. I was wearing regular red flannel with an indie rock black tank top with a band name I didn't know how to pronounce it. I borrowed it from Marcus since it was a cute shirt at least. But the jeans threatened to cut off the circulation to my legs any moment now.

Pain is beauty Mrs. Patata. That's Spanish for potato, seriously look it up.

Whoops didn't mean to break the fourth wall.

Oh did I do it again? Oh no, there goes the fifth. And sixth now. And seven- you know what I'll shut up now.

We were at iHop and started munching on the breakfast. I had a mouthful of the chocolate chip whipped cream cherry smiley face pancakes. Yum!

"You don't really eat like a lady," Chase grinned. "Wipe that bacon tearing grin off your face Reed, or I might have to smack it off for you," I grumbled. But of course, with a mouthful of very unladylike-ness, it sounded more like "Frwipe fwap bacwon fwearing fwin off yur fwace Fweed, or I mwight hwave to swack it off fwar you,"

"Emera, swallow first," Stacie said. "That's what he said," I mumbled as I finally finished the mountain of food in my throat. "You mean Jason?" Richard wiggled his eyebrows. "Finally got to see her in her birthday suit, huh Jason?" Bailey wiggled her eyebrows too. "Pop that cherry yet Jason?" Richard asked.

"Shut up," Jason groaned. I myself had to laugh in spite of the embarrassment.

"Can't shut up, but I can shut down," Tyler said. "What does that mean?" Marcus asked him.

"Oh, my cuarto grade teacher made it up. She said while you're in the middle of forming a word and someone says that you can't close your jaw up and keep a normal face. But you can do down, try it." 

Richard, Bailey and I immediately tried it. He was actually right for such a lame comeback. "You guys, your faces are looking weird," Zoey giggled. "I must add, you look utterly stupid," Carlyn added. "Oh shut down Carlyn," I laughed.

"Hey, Emera, where'd you get that?" Jason asked me. He pointed to my ring. "Oh, this? I found it on my pillow before we left the lab, thought it was meant for me," I said. He studied it. "I still don't want you wearing any rings unless they're from me, but can I borrow this one as a pre-engagement?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, "If you want pretty bling-bling, just ask."

He took that as a yes and slipped the ring on. He didn't bother to read the engravements inside.

"It burns a little," he said. "Probably because I have FUCKING FIRE Jason!" I rolled my eyes playfully.

I laughed. The waitress then came up to us. "Okay, I've had enough of you kids, you're causing a disturbance!" She scolded, "Out! Out! OUT!"

"Ohhh, someone's on her period," I teased.

Needless to say, we got kicked out later on.

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