Chapter 1

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Ahhh my new fanfic!!! Hope you guys like it!! So here's "Is It Just A Dream?"


"Harry please don't go. You always leave." He brought his large hands closer to me so now he was holding my face.

"I'll be back. I promise."

He lightly brushed his soft lips against mine. It always gets intimate right before he has to leave. He slowly took a step back from me, still holding my face in his large hands.

"I promise babe."

He said before he was slowly disappearing, dissolving. I could feel the tears bubble up inside of me as I realized he was gone. But not totally gone.

Right before he was completely gone, he came back to his regular self. He took a step towards me and placed his large hands on my shoulders. He started shaking me and yelling in my face. I closed my eyes in terror of this Harry that had just come out.

"Abby! Abby! Abigail!"

I opened my eyes, hoping to see Harry sorry as ever, but instead I saw my mom hovering over me. I completely ignored her and rolled back over to try to finish my dream. Obviously shes not taking no for answer because she walked over to my window and opened the blind. She quickly returned to my bed and ripped off all my blankets, obviously disgusted.

"Abigail you need to get up or you're gonna be late for your first day of senior year! You're already running ten minutes late! Luckily for you, I plugged in your straightener and got your breakfast ready. Now get up be before I have to pull you out of that bed!"

There's no point to argue with her, so I got up and went to my bathroom. I quickly straightened my hair, making sure to do the back over and over again to get it all. Before i got dressed, I headed downstairs for breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and expected something like waffles and eggs, but all I got was cereal. Blah.

"Mommmmm. I told you I don't like milk in my cereal. That's disgusting." She rolled her eyes at me and continued to eat her cereal.

"Well either you eat it or you go without. You're ready running late, remember?" I roll my eyes and head back upstairs. There's no way I'm eating soggy cereal.

I'm glad I'm real organized because I've had my outfit for today planned for a week. I pull on my new galaxy print jeans, which are so worth the $65 I paid for them. I keep the rest of my outfit calm with my black blouse and my black Vans. I stand in front of the mirror for a while before I'm interrupted by my mother knocking on my door.

"Honey you look beautiful like always! But you need to get going!" I take one last look at me in the mirror and sprint downstairs. We say our goodbyes and I run out the front door, hoping I'm not late. I sigh as I take a look at my crappy car and get in. I'm just lucky to have a car.

I get in and immediately turn on the radio, even though its only less than a 5 minute drive. And, of course, my favorite song comes on that reminds me of my dream I had this morning before being awaken.

"Shot me out of the sky

You're my kryptonite

You keep making me weak

Yeah, frozen and can't breathe"

I pull up to the school just as the song finishes. I take my time, as I walk inside in hopes to find my best friend, Jessie. I don't know why, but I am already dreading my senior year.


Ok guys!! There it is!!! Vote, comment, follow, etc. Butttttttt @1dkrazymofos is playing Abby (because her name is Abby, duhhh)!! Follow her!!! ~xxMeganxx

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