Chapter 33

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Harry's POV

I run my sweaty and shaky hands up and down the side of my leg in hopes to try to calm my nerves.

It's not working so far.

My eyes are fixed on Cory, praying he won't say anything. If he says anything I-

"Mr.Styles, did you or did you not have any relations with Cory before Abby?" The judge is quick to snap me out of my thoughts of murdering Cory.

I turn my head to look at Abby. She looks so confused and scared right now.

I look at Cory now, a huge smirk on his face. I can tell if I don't say something now, he will.

So I nod.

I don't know why I nodded, I promised myself I would never tell anyone. But it looks as though that promise will soon be broken.

I didn't want Abby to know, that's why I never brought it up.

"Mr.Styles please do explain your relations to Cory, before Abby, to the court room." I exhale a long, heavy sigh before giving into the promise I said I would keep.

"When I was in high school, Cory was a foreign exchange student in my school. Everyone loved him, but I for one knew there was something off about him. Anyway, school, drama, yadda yadda yadda. He was there for a year, and in that year, he drifted into the really wrong crowd. He was always out partying, drinking, doing drugs, all that.

Him and his friends had made a game the one day. Their game was to have sex with as many girls has possible in a week. Whoever won, was going to have a huge house party. Well, Cory won. They invited everyone from the school, but they didn't tell anyone the occasion. So naturally, I went for the heck of it. I knew there would be drugs and alcohol there, but I was quite a nosy sophmore. I only had a little to drink, I knew it was very illegal.

Somewhere around midnight, I heard shots fired, but I didn't think too much of it and went home. I later found out that it was Cory and his friends, they had taken his dad's gun outside for fun. They shot someone. They didn't die, but they were really hurt.

Being the nosy one I was, I started hanging out with him and his friends. I wanted to look cool and tough, I guess.

Then I found out that this had occurred regularly for this group.

They had burned down the house the party was in that night. They had actually killed someone. They fought on the street and got into bars.

I called the cops the one night when it got exceptionally out of hand to only find out the next day that Cory had taken a flight back to America. His friends told me it was his goodbye party and Cory was no longer going to be an exchange student there.

And everyone believed them." I let it all out. I told everyone here everything.

I take a deep breath and look at Cory. He's fuming.

"Thank you Mr.Styles. You may be seated." I slowly turn around and look for Abby. She's standing from her seat, exiting the court room. My feet quicken in pace, and I find .myself right behind her soon.

In the hallway, she's doesn't say anything, she doesn't even notice I'm here. She sits on a bench, pulling her hands through her hair.

I'm not sure if I should wait for her to say something as I sit beside her. She reacts by completely moving away from me, standing on the other side of the room. She doesn't look at me. I stay seated.

"What the hell was that?" She finally says with her back to me. I'm on my feet and make my way to her in seconds.

"Look, Abby, Im so sorry I didn't tell you. It's just I-"

"What, you thought I would be mad? Well I think I'm a bit mad!"

"What exactly are you mad about?" My voice is barely above a whisper. She turns around to face me quickly.

"What am I mad about? Are you fucking kidding right now Harry? He fucking stabbed me to get through to you! He followed me, almost raped me, and then stabbed me! And now I know that it was his way to getting back at you. So please do you understand now why I'm fucking mad?" Her face is bright red and very close to mine. Her voice is raised and it scares the hell out of me. Fuck, why didn't I tell her. I could've protected her better.

"Im sorry, okay?! I wanted to tell you, but I never told anyone. I knew he was a threat!"

"See that's exactly what I'm mad about!" I think of anything to say or do. Nothing comes to mind. Her face is very close to mine and before I even think about it, my lips are on hers. It takes a second for her to give in an kiss me back, but when she does it's like heaven. An angry kiss from Abby could probably save my life if I was dying.

"I'm really sorry I didn't tell you. I thought it was best if you didnt know. I was mostly thinking for myself. I never would have guessed he would've have went after you. The last is the past, okay?"

"Will you just shut up already?" She laughed before pulling me by my jacket into a kiss. It reminds me of the day she did the same thing at her house.

She pulls away from the kiss, smiling, walking towards the door of the court room.

"We better get back if we wanna hear what happens to him." She opens the door and I follow. Just we are sitting down, the judge comes back into the room.

"The jury has come to a conclusion that Cory will stay in prison for a maximum of 25 years. There will be no fines against Harry for underage drinking and knowing of the presence of drugs since it happened almost six years ago. This here by ends this case. Court closed."

I look to Abby and she throws her arms around me so quickly.

Abby's POV

A lot has left my mind since the court case today, and I couldn't possibly be more happy that Cory is in jail.

I was shocked when Harry had said that he knew Cory before, and he didn't tell me.

But I don't worry about that as I pull Harry's shirt over my head and climb into my bed with him.

I look at him for a while, not seeing any need to talk about anything.

"Do you think we're safe now that Cory is in jail?" I ask him out of the blue. He looks at my in confusion.

"Haven't you always been safe?"

"Yeah, with you around. But I'm saying about you. Will he leave you alone?"

"Babe he's behind bars, there's not much he can do." He kisses my forehead and pulls me closer to his warm body.

"I know..I just don't feel completely safe."

"Didn't you want him in jail so you'd be safe?"

"Yeah but you don't see it like I do. People can escape jail, it's happened before. And if that happens to Cory, he'll probably kill us both."

"Don't stress it babe. They have the best security in jails and prisons. There's nothing to worry about. You're perfectly safe with me."

"Promise?" I turn to him.

"I promise." He kisses me over and over again.

"Goodnight babe. Sleep tight." He says after a while.

"Night. I love you."

"I love you too Abby." I kiss him on tithe lips one more time before rolling over to turn the lamp off.

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