Chapter 8 Renesmee's POV

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A/N I decided to put the wedding in Nessie's POV because after all it is her wedding and I thought it would make more sense that way so I hope you all like it!!
It was finally here! My wedding day! I was so happy! No words could explain how I felt.
From the moment I met Jake, which was right after I was born, I felt such a special connection to him. And while I was growing up he was like a big brother to me. The best big brother. And then I started to develop stronger feeling for him. Now that might seem weird but really it's not. He's mine and I'm his and now it will be official.
Truth is I love Jacob Black with all my heart. As much as Mom loves Dad. Maybe even more. He's my forever. I can't imagine a world without him. When he proposed I nearly fainted. I couldn't believe he was asking me to marry him! I mean we both knew our feelings for each other, but I just wasn't expecting a proposal!
I'm just glad that Dad took it so well. I wasn't sure if he'd be angry but he wasn't and I was especially ecstatic when he gave us his blessing.
The wedding would be held at the same place Mom and Dad had their wedding. Everyone was going to be there. Grandpa Charlie and his fiancé Sue (Seth and Lea's mom) Grandpa Charlie, after going out with Sue for six years finally asked her to marry him. I thought it was so sweet! Charlie was still going with the "need to know" method. Which was good because that meant he didn't ask a lot of questions about my "growth spurt." All of the Quilliete Boys and Lea and Emily would be there. They're like my brothers and Lea is like my sister. And our cousins from Denali would be there. Ever since, well that incident six years ago happened, we've grown much closer to our Denali cousins.
"Ok Ness! Time for the dress!" I heard Aunt Alice squeal. It had taken about an hour for my hair and make up. Mom had done my make up and Rose had done my hair. I wasn't allowed to look at myself which I was ok with.
"Ok Alice I'm coming!"
I went over and Mom and Alice helped me put my dress on.
"Oh Renesmee you look absolutely stunning!"
"Nessie! You look so beautiful!"
"Oh Ness!"
Mom, Rose and Alice went to take their places while dad came to get me.
"Nessie sweetie, you look so beautiful! My little girls growing up."
Dad held out his arm and I took it. He gave my had a reassuring squeeze and I squeezed his hand back and smiled at him. As we got downstairs I heard the music begin to play.
The music signaled our cue. Dad walked me to where we started and I saw all the guests stand up and then I saw him.
Here an update for u guys!! The next part will also be in Nessie's POV. I hope you liked this chapter and don't forget to comment and vote!!

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