Chapter 14 Bella's POV

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Chapter 14
Bella's POV
I stood there in Edward's arms listening to Carlisle's conversation with Tanya.
"Carlisle! How are you? Aren't we due for a visit soon?" Tanya replied in a light voice. Oblivious to anything being wrong.
"Actually Tanya-"
"Oh dear Carlisle what's wrong?"
"Tanya? Do you think you could come over to our house? All of you? Even Garret?"
"Of course! We'll be there tonight!" I heard the call end and Carlisle looked... green.
"Carlisle it'll be ok. Our friends will help us." Rosalie came over and tried to reassure him.
Carlisle reached up and held Rosalie's hand. "Thank you dear."
"Ok should we um start calling your other friends Carlisle?" Edward asked, somewhat impatient. "The Irish clan? What about Benjamin and Tia? Should we try and contact Charlotte and Peter? What about-"
"Edward." Esme reached over and touched Edward's shoulder as a sign of comfort and asked him to slow down.
I looked over at Carlisle.
"Carlisle?" I asked, "Are... Um everything will be ok." When I saw Carlisle with his head in his hands I panicked a bit. I wanted to say something that would make him feel better even if it was true. I left Edward's arms a went over to hug my father-in-law. I had always been fond of Carlisle but over the last six years me and him grew a lot closer.
He looked up and returned my hug knowing I wanted to comfort him. "Thank you Bella." He smiled at me and I returned the smile. Both smiles were very strained.
"Ok then we should probably call Nes- Renesmee. Edward?" Carlisle said handing the phone to Edward.
Edward took a deep breath and dialed Renesmee.
"Hi Daddy!" Renesmee said, "Is everything ok?"
"Hi sweetheart and well we- we need you and Jacob to come home. I'm sorry for cutting your honeymoon short dear but, um there um is sort of an emerg-"
"Oh no dad! Ok! Me and Jake will be home right away! Um can we talk about it when I get home? Is that ok Daddy?"
With all this panic going on I still found it adorable that Renesmee called Edward "daddy."
"Of course sweetheart we can explain when you get home and I'm sorry-"
"Don't sorry about it dad! Me and Jake will be home soon!"
"Ok honey be careful and your mom and I love you."
"Love you to dad! Bye!"
I could tell that call was hard for Edward and that he felt bad. I went over and touched his shoulder.
"It'll be ok she'll be fine and Jake will protect her."
He smiled down at me.
"I hope so."

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