Two Years Later...

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                                                Aiden's P.O.V.          

I looked around as walked through the black iron entrance. This place has changed since I was last here two years ago. The last time I was here it was spring time and it was down pouring. I had stood there for at least three hours before finally leaving. And once I did, I never came back, until now.

 It was now summer and warm here in Iowa. I missed it here, in my hometown, but there are just too many memories here for me to stay. Too many memories of her. I needed a fresh start. And I got that after I graduated high school.

The past two years I have been in North Carolina studying at Duke University. I've made some great friends and continued with my football career. I'm happier now than I was two years ago. But I still think about her every day.

I started to think as I walked up the stone path. I think about how I wished I wasn't here right now. About how I wished she wasn't here now. But I am and so is she.

I came to a stop once I reached my destination. I sat down on the grass, not really caring if my shorts got dirty or not. I looked ahead of me and read what the stone said, out loud.

"Here lies Haylynn Marie Cosh. A beloved daughter, sister, and best friend. May you forever rest in peace."

"Hey Haylynn. I miss you." I said at the gravestone of my girlfriend.

"I've been good, in case you have been wondering. I'm trying to move on without you. But it's really hard. You're one of the reasons why I came back this summer." I whispered to her.

"I'm sorry I haven't been back since your funeral. I just couldn't handle it then. I still don't think I can, but I needed to be near you. I'm really trying to move on. But you keep flooding my mind. I can't even look at another girl without thinking about you. And all the couples around me are a constant reminder of what we could have had. We should have been.

"I've tried to understand why you did it Haylynn, I really did. But I just can't. I've read your letter thousands of time and I just can't figure it out. Why Hay? Why? Why did you commit suicide? I loved you so much and you just left me like it was nothing. I wanted a life with you. I know we were young but it would have worked.

"But now we won't have that chance. I so badly want to go to that day went we were at the school's roof top. The last time I ever talked to you. I would do anything to redo that day over so I had you next to me right now." I closed my eyes and flashed back.


I feel the warmth of the spring air hitting my tan skin as I walked up the stairs. It's my last class of the day and my favorite one too, study hall. But it being a free period doesn't make it my favorite, it's who I'm with that does. Every day for the past eight months I've walked up these stairs to the roof top.

The school's roof top is all decorated with plants and flowers with a canvas top for some shade. Seniors are the only ones allowed up here during our lunch, but a few of us sneak up here all the time. I come up here every day last set, no matter rain, sun, or even snow. I'm here, with her.

I feel different today. I don't know why. It seemed that everyone had that feeling today. It was kinda creepy. But I don't really care. Today was the day that my future will come true, the happiest day of my life. She just has to say yes...

I was standing at the edge of the railing looking over the school grounds, when I heard her come up. I turned around and saw the love of my life.

"Haylynn." I smiled at her.

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