One Stupid Mistake (boyxboy)

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I stood there and listen to him yell and scream at me about how all the things I've done in the past 4 years was wrong. How I was a pathetic liar. An unemotional jerk. And most of all, a heartbreaker. I just stood there and let him say it because it was all true. I was all those things and so much more.

If he were to say those things to me six months ago, I would have probably flipped out on him or either punched him out, who knows. I might have done both. But the person I was six months ago and the one standing in front of him now were two completely different people.

The person six months ago would laugh at the situation I was in. Me being in love, with a guy no less. I would have just laughed in his face and walked away.

But it was all true. I, a guy, was in love with another guy. Never once did I think this would happen to me. It was all because of him too.

The way he laughed was contagious. His smile made my heart melt into a puddle. I remember seeing him broken once and it caused me so much pain I never wanted it to happen again. And I made sure of that until this moment right here. I didn't hurt him physically but emotionally. His eyes that I loved so much, was now filled with distaste, hatred, mistrust, and lastly heartbreak.

"I can't believe you would so something like this. It's so cruel, disrespectful, and insulting." He whispered as he calmed down from yelling. But with look he was giving me, I'd rather take the yelling than this.

"I'm sorry. I'm not like that anymore. You changed me for the better." I replied. I walked towards him to grab his hand like I've done a thousand times, but he stepped away and turned his body away from me.

"Sorry doesn't cut it this time. You messed up big time and you're gonna have to deal with the consequences." He told me. I saw a tear come down his pale cheek. I so badly wanted to wipe it away but I knew he wouldn't let me and the rejection hurts.

"Please. Don't do this." I reasoned, as my own tears started to come down my face.

"I just can't be with someone who would do something like this." He simply stated and walked away. I watched the boy, no, man I love walk away from me.

Six months ago if you told me this would happen, I would just walk away laughing. But now I stand here with a broken heart.

I watched the love of my life walk away. I fell to ground and began to cry. I never knew you could be in this much pain before.

One stupid mistake I made cause two hearts to break in half. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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