Is It Contagious? (boyxboy)

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            "You're gay?" Riley asked yet again. His blonde hair fell into his baby blue eyes from turning his head to look at me, as we lay next to each other on his bedroom floor facing his ceiling while resting our feet on the side of his bed.

            "Yes, Riley. For the last time I'm gay. Me likely boys not girls." I sighed at him.

Riley Sweet has been my best friend since we were toddlers. We have lived right next door to each other since birth. He is your classic all American boy, blonde hair, blue eyes, preppy quarterback. While me on the other hand, is your all American "emo". I have natural black hair, my green eyes that I apply eyeliner to make them pop, and wears your classic skinny jeans and Converses/Vans.  But no matter the stereotyping, we are still friends to this day 17 years later. Or at least I hope we still are friends.

I just told my best friend that I'm gay and I have no clue whether or not he hates me. Since he hasn't freaked out or kick me out yet, I'd say it's a good sign so far. But the shock might be wearing off soon...

"Huh, you gay? I would have never thought it." He said as I saw his staring at me through the corner of my eyes. I have yet to look at him since I first told him 10 minutes ago. I'm afraid of the judgment that might be passing through his eyes.

"Yup." I replied looking at the ceiling.

"You never seemed gay. You don't act all over the top and feminine. I guess the guyliner could have been a clue, but most guys your style wears it so I guess I overlooked it. Huh!" He rambled on.

"I know you Rils, just say what you want to." I prepared for the worst.

"Is it contagious?" He whispered. I gave out a hard laugh.

"No it's not! So you don't have to worry about catching it. Why don't I just save you the trouble of kicking me out room and just leave. Because I'm sure you don't want to be my friend anymore. I understand." I said getting up, still refusing to look at him cause I knew my heart would break. My life is such a cliché story. I fell in love with my best friend and he's 100% straight.

 As I went to stand up a hand was placed on my shoulder holding me down. I kept my face down as he sat up in front of me.

"Sam... look at me." His voice sounded like velvet. Giving in to what he wanted I looked up into his eyes.

"Why do you think I'd kick you out?" He asked confused.

"Oh come on Riley a lot people in our school would when they found out their friend is gay. Most of the people at school would probably chase after me with a shot gun if they found out!! Everyone in this town thinks homosexuality is a sin and that I will go to hell because of who I love!! How could I not think you'd do the same?" I asked angrily.

"How about the fact that I'm your best friend and I don't two shits about if you love a guy or not. That doesn't change anything. You're still the Sam Banks that I've known forever. I just know a little bit more about you now. So calm down dude, I would never kick you out." He retorted back. I sat there looking at him as tears began to stream down my face.

"Come on dude, don't cry. You know I hate it when you cry." He stated his concern.

"Thank you." I whispered before hugging him. I half expected him to shove me away like most guys in your school would if a gay guy was hugging them. But he didn't, Riley hugged me back.

"For what?" He asked as I pulled away.

"Accepting me. For not thinking I am worthless. For caring. You choose." I answered.

"I choose all of them." He said giving me his classic smirk before lying back down on the floor. I sat still watching him.

"Aren't you gonna lie down?" He asked innocently.

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