A Walk

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When Musa and Riven finally had to breathe they started walking out to his bike.

"So, where is everyone?" asked Musa sadly

"Bloom's still on Sparx and Sky's with her, they'll be in Magix tomorrow." Sighed Riven

"Stella and Brandon are at Solaria; apparently Stella is trying to get her parents back together." Laughed Riven a little

"Flora and Helia are helping Saladin with something they won't be back until tomorrow night" sighed Riven looking at Musa

"And Tecna, Timmy and Layla are working on some resource for Faragonda, there's been some weird things happening at Alfea over the summer" smiled Riven as he wrapped his arm around her

"Musa, they've missed you. I promise no one forgot about you" smirked Riven

"Ya, I know I've just really missed them" sighed Musa as she turned her head away from Riven

"Musa, I promise it's going to be okay. Your father wouldn't want you to be sad" smiled Riven as he placed his hand on her chin and turned her head to face him

"Thanks Riven" sighed Musa as she hugged him

They let go of each other and got on his bike

"Ya ready?" smiled Riven

"Ya" sighed Musa

"K, hold on baby" smiled Riven as he started up the leva bike, Musa wrapped her arms around his stomach

"Man, she's really depressed. Maybe there's something I can do for her"thought Riven as he held her hands with one hand and drove with the other

Riven pulled into Alfea and parked the bike

"We're here Musa" smiled Riven as he looked at her holding on to him tightly

"Huh, oh ya" sighed Musa as she stubbornly let him go

"Riven, I don't want to be alone" whispered Musa as she looked down

"Want to go for a walk?" asked Riven softly as he cupped her chin

"Ya" nodded Musa

"Come on, it's only 4:30" smiled Riven holding her hand as they left his bike standing by Alfea

They walked threw the forest in total silence

"She wants to cry, I know she does. She needs to cry, she can't hold it in. It's not healthy, well here goes nothing" thought Riven with a deep sigh

"Musa, I'm here for you. You don't have to keep your emotion bottled up like you use to, I love you" smiled Riven as he looked at her softly

"I know, but I'm fine" smiled Musa softly as Riven gave her one of those ya right looks


"Riven I'm fine; I'm just a little worried about what's going to happen to me. With my dad gone I'll have to take the throne soon and I just don't know if I'm ready" sighed Musa

"It's going to be okay"

"How do you know that? How do you know that I'm not going to marry some prince" demanded Musa

"Because I'll kill any guy who tries to take you away from me" smirked Riven as he embraced her

"Musa, no matter what happens I'll always be with you." Whispered Riven in her ear

"Thanks baby, come on it's getting late we'd better head back" sighed Musa as she looked into his beautiful dark blue eyes

"Ya, don't want to get you sick, now do we?" smiled Riven as they walked back to Alfea with his arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders

Riven and Musa hadn't noticed that they were being watched from the trees by some unknown person

"Good, my mistress should be pleased with my findings" smirked the ugly green troll sitting on a tree branch watching Riven and Musa walking to Alfea

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