BIG Mistake

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Nightmare Realm in the Castle

"Here put this on." Smiled the old women handling Musa a necklace

"What is it?" asked Musa

"Don't worry, it'll bring you good luck." She smirked

Nightmare Realm few miles away

"Man, you guys are a bunch of babies." Laughed Riven

"Shut up." Growled Sky

"Oh come on, Stella's afraid of mixing plaid and stripes, Brandon is afraid of getting old." He laughed

"Flora and Helia are afraid of all the flowers being destroyed." He laughed

"Tecna and Timmy are afraid of technology being destroyed and you, bro you're afraid of marrying Diaspore!" he laughed

"Layla is the only one of you not afraid of something stupid." He laughed

"Easy for you, you're worst nightmare hasn't come, yet." Growled Brandon

"It won't, because I'm not afraid of anything." He smirked

"That's not possible, everyone is afraid of something." Smiled Tecna

"Ya, well I'm not." He growled walking faster as he saw a castle

"We're here, is everyone ready?" asked Tecna

"Defiantly." Smirked Riven as he started cracking his knuckles

"Then lets go." Sighed Bloom as they started walking threw the gates and to the castle

Inside the Castle in the basement

"Okay, now come over here." Smiled the women as she led Musa to the middle of the room

"What are you doing?" asked Musa confused

"Don't worry." She smiled as she said a spell under her breathe

Just above them upstairs

"Where is she?" asked Bloom

"My scanner says we're just above her." Sighed Tecna looking around

"She's below us!" cried Layla pointing to the ground

"So where's a door?" asked Sky

"Over there!" pointed Flora to the door on the other side of the room

"Let's go!" cried Bloom as they ran to the door

Riven opened the door and they ran down stairs. It was really dark except for the small amount of light in the middle of the room where there were two figures. They couldn't really see the second but the first figure was

"MUSA!" yelled Riven as the old women stabbed Musa in her chest

The girls and guys jumped at the witch as Riven ran to Musa's body.

He picked her up and held her, looking over her body until he got to the gash in her chest. It was deep and she was really bleeding. It was unreal, she was as or more tough than he was and to see her like this it was killing him. His girlfriend, the women he loved limp in his arms.

"Musa, Musa wake up." He whispered gently shaking her limp body

Suddenly the winx girls and the guys went flying to the wall.

"You can't wake her, she's mine." Smirked the witch

"You see this necklace, her soul is in it and as long as it is, her and her powers are mine." She smirked pointing to the exact same necklace around her neck

"Ya, well guess what?" he growled gently laying Musa's empty body down

"What?" smirked the witch

"She won't be for much longer." He growled angrily threw his gritted teeth as he took his saber out

"I'm soo scared." She smirked

"You should be witch." He smirked as he charged at her saber in the air ready to strike at her

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