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"I don't need them, all I need is her." He growled to himself as he speeded threw the forest looking for her

"Come on Muse, where are you?" he sighed worriedly slowly down as he got near the lake

"What's that?" he wondered as he looked at a small figure by the lake

"Let's see this necklace of hers should do nicely." Smirked the troll as he put it on

"That's Musa's!" Riven growled under his breathe watching the ugly green troll put on the necklace he gave to Musa on

Then suddenly the troll turned in to Musa.

"Good, I look just like her." He smirked

"Now I'll go and make all of her friends hate her, especially that loser boyfriend of hers." He smirked turning around to be face to face with his worst nightmare.

"So? You know Musa?" growled Riven clenching his fist trying to keep his cool, for the moment

"What are you talking about sweetie?" she giggled flirty

"Tell me where she is or I'll kill you!" he growled raising his voice as he glared at the fake Musa standing in front of him

"Oh Riv, your"

"THAT'S IT!" he growled angrily as he grabbed the troll around his neck and started to chook him

"Now, tell me where she is or I'll rip your ugly head off!" he growled tightening his grip

"Okay...I'll...tell...you..." cried the troll as he turned back into himself

"Good." He growled dropping the stupid thing hard on the ground and stumping his foot on its back

"She's in the nightmare realm!" cried the troll clearly in pain from the terrible pain

"See? Now was that soo hard?" he growled at the troll as took the necklace off and kicked him hard in the side

"By the time you get there, she'll be gone." He smirked at Riven as he got on his bike

"And if she is, I'll come after you and kill ya." He shrugged as he rode back to Alfea

Outside Alfea

"Hey is that Riven?" asked Bloom looking at the figure driving towards them

"I guess he's given up for now." Sighed Sky

"Hey, I know where Musa is!" he yelled getting off his bike

"WHAT?" yelled everyone

"Ya she's in the nightmare realm, we have to hurry!" he yelled

"No prob I'll make a portal." Smiled Stella as she took her ring of her finger and it turned into a staff

Suddenly a light blue portal appears

"Come on." Growled Riven

"Wait, how do you know she's there?" asked Bloom concerned

"Because a troll had this." He growled showing them Musa's necklace

"OMG!" the girls cried

"Musa's necklace, she never takes it off!" cried Flora

"Come on!" cried Bloom going through the portal

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