chapter 1

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( Pic of Ashley)

"Mom make her stop." Ash shouted.

"Lexi stop tickling your sister." Mom shouted.

"Snitch." I said letting her go then she ran to her room.

Hi my name is Lexi am 16, I live with my mom and sister. My sister name is Ashley but we call her Ash, she's 4 and we're the kings.
My sister and I were playing X box , she cheated so I started tickling her.

"Dinner." Mom shouted

I ran down stairs and sat on the table. My mom is a great cook and by great I mean like amazing, my mom's dream was to become a chef but she couldn't because she got pregnant with me while she was young. She felt like being a chef wouldn't bring enough income to sapport us , so she went to law school and now she is a lawyer at some company , it makes her come home late at times and I can tell she hates it.

Ash came and sat down , we said grace and started eating.


After eating I helped my mom with the dishes, I kissed her goodnyt and went to my room, I shut the door behind me, then I started cleaning up my room. When I was done. I went to the bathroom stripped all my clothes off and got in the shower . When I was done I dried my hair then I wore my pjs and set my alarm. I climb on my bed then I drifted to sleep

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