chapter 5

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Lexi's (POV)

"Congratulations on your win, great curve respect" I said and walked out of class before he could respond". I knew he was the one who had beat Chris yesterday, I heard Carla telling Nacy in the hallway. Their so called 'private chat' is more like a world wide Web. 


Today is Friday I have not seen mike the whole day, I figured he was absent so I brushed it of and now am counting down the seconds until  the final bell rings. I have a get together with the girls today, we have been doing this every Friday since a few months ago actually.


The final bell rang. I immediately packed my things and ran out the school. I tripped on a foot on my way out and I fell, hurting my hands . I look up and saw jerry , Logan and Mark, laughing . "Watch were your going enemy", Logan said. They all laughed again. Ladies and gentlemen meet 3 most common dicks in every high school in this world, the jocks, aka bad boys, aka hotties of the school. Well not really I find them all disgusting and I wish I could smash their faces every time I see them.

"Make sure that tiny fly that you did not cage  doesn't fly away" I said pointing to his unzipped pants, i got up and left with a satisfied smirk on my face. I heard his friends laughing.

I picked up Ash on my way home and I immediately changed when I got there.

"Can I come with you "? Ash asked.

"Remember what mommy and I said , you have to wait a few more years to come with me".I said squatting down to her level.

" That's not fair", she whined.

"Am sorry babe", I said. Beep I heard Emily 's car.

"I gotta go, mom called Laura and she will be here soon to come stay with you", I said.

She didn't reply she just ran upstairs with tears in her eyes. I felt bad but If didn't leave this second, I was going to be late , I texted Laura.

Lexi~hey, she is upset again.

I send the text and went out .

"Hey girly let's go", Emily shouted . I got into the car and  she drove us to  waterfall . Laura texted me back

Laura~hey , thanks for the notice I bought jelly beans and am on my way to the house right now.

Lexi~Thank you, you are the best.

I replied back and I felt a lot less heavy knowing she would take care of her. Laura is a close family friend who lives next door, she is actually really old and she started by taking care of me now she takes care of Ash. She is really tall like 6'5, she has silver hair, really ocean blue eyes.

I was nervous and I honestly felt like throwing up . I looked up when I heard Casey laughing.

" OMG, you look like your about to throw up" she said making me more nervous.

" just shut Casey". Emily said looking concerned . Don't worry about it 'C' everything will go great she said . I really hoped Em was right .


Emily was right I was worried for nothing, we had so much fun and it was really nice seeing him again. Unfortunately we had to say goodbye cause it was getting late and the girls decided on our way back home that we should go to Charles party and let me just say that the people who will be there are from my old school and I doubt the people from my new school would approve but I don't really care. I was over whelmed and I really wanted to be alone but they insisted.

I could hear the sound of the music as we got closer and closer and then Emily cursed because she couldn't find a place to park her car. She finally did and I was literally dragged to the door. As soon as Casey opened the door, the loud music escaped the house, I could feel my ears bleed from the loud music. It wasn't my first time at a party and I still hated it . We walked  through the house to the kitchen. Casey poured us some punch.

"Hey ladies glad you could make it", Charles shouted through the loud music. "Nice to see you Crystal" he said with a smile.

"Nice to see you too Charles".I shouted.

"Bro someone just broke a window upstairs." Jace shouted

"Dammit, enjoy yourselves girls ", he exclaimed. As he rushed out.

Casey gave us our drink and then the girls pulled me to the dance floor and I started dancing and actually having fun. By the time the song was over I couldn't feel my feet.

"Mind if I borrow her for a sec" Greg asked.

"Sure think Emily winked at me and pushed me over to him", I almost fell when he caught me.

"Oops my bad", she laughed as she turned to dance with Casey. 

"I glared at her and apologised to Greg.

"Don't worry, can we move to a more quite place?" He said close to my ear.

I nodded my head and he guided me to the back yard though the sweaty bodies. We sat on the chairs when we got outside, and fell into an awkward silence

" how have you been?", he asked suddently looking at me in the eyes

Actually I hate my new school and my life sucks. "Good", I said.

I couldn't help but notice the snot in his nose and I started laughing. I think am getting a bit tipsy.

"What's so funny? ", he asked looking at me like am crazy.

"Um-you got a little something right there", I said pointing at his nose.

"Oh shit", he said looking away."well that's ebarrassing" , he said.

"Anyway, I wanted to ask you something ", he said after wiping his nose.

"Will you go out with me",? He asked

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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