chapter 2

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Weighing in at 103 pounds from Detroit MI Jaden link!!!

I smile as I walk down the ramp and I high-fived some fans and I slid in the ring then brie and Nikki came out

And being accompanied by nikki Bella from San Diego California Brie Bella!!!

Brie got in the ring while nikki stayed in bries corner the ref asked if we were ready and the match started

Me and brie look at each other and then we locked up she was getting the upper hand because she had me in a chock hold I backed her up in the corner and she let go she was leaning against the ropes and I ran and speared her through the ropes I got up and she was on the ground still and nikki came up to me and started trash talking me and I slapped her hard enough to make her fall then I went over to brie and picked her up and laid her on the announce table and went back into the ring and climbed the turnbuckle and looked at the crowed and then did a moonsault and landed on her and it hurt like a bitch but I still got up and dragged brie back in the ring and covered her

"Ring the bell!" The ref yelled
And here is your winner Jaden link!

But then the authority came out...

(Just so you guys know I really do like the Bella twins they were just the first ones to pop in my mind.)

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