chapter 21

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Jadens p.o.v

I woke up to see shanes cute sleeping face he looks cute when he sleeps I started thinking of what happened last night and I started smiling then I saw Shane start to move and soon he opened is eyes and flinched because there was some light in the room and that made Me smile more when his eyes got adjusted to the light he looked at me and smiled

"Well hello beautiful" he said with a smile on his face I launched

"Hi" I said back he gently kissed me on the lips

"How you feeling?" he asked smirking at me

"Great" I giggled

"Good we should get around I have a stupid meeting thing to go to me and the board are going to make a match its gonna be me vs Randy" he said

"Ok" I said as we put on are clothes when we were done we went down stairs and started to make breakfast then there was I knock on the door

"I'll get it" I said walking to the door right before I got to the door it burst open and John came in and grabbed a chair and stood on it and said

"GOOD MORNING AMERICA ITS TIME TO WAKE UP THE SUN IS SHINING AND THE BIRDS ARE SINGING AND ......DO I SMELL BACON!?!" after John said do I smell bacon he quickly got off the chair and ran into the kitchen and I minute later John had Shane over his shoulder and he walked him over to the couch and dropped him on it and ran back to the kitchen and got the plate of bacon and came out and sat in a chair at the table

"Soooooo?" John said like nothing he did ever happened

"Omg John" I said laughing

"What?" he said putting a piece of bacon In His mouth

"Nothing just nothing" I said Shane got up and went over to John and slapped him upside the head

"What the hell was that for?" John said looking at Shane like he was stupid

"You know what that was for" Shane said and walked back into the kitchen and grabbed the plate pancakes and came back out

"You know what I was wondering?" john asked

"What?" me and Shane said at the same time

"Why and the hell is there p in pterodactyl" he said

I looked at him stupid and walked over to the table and picked up an pancake and slapped John with it he looked and me and smiled Shane was laughing his ass off

"You know what I want to know?" I ask and before John could answer I said "why the hell do you ask so many questions" we all laughed and kept talking until John left and Shane had to go to the meeting so I was stupid and I went on Twitter and I looked through all the hate comments....

(Hope you guys like this chapter!!!)

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