Chapter 7

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Gosh, could that have been any more embarrassing?

"Jul?  Are you OK?  You haven't said a word since English.  What's wrong?" Katy says wearily.  When she thinks something is up, she doesn't stop asking until she finds out herself.

"Nothing.  I'm fine." I reply shortly.  No reason to start drama.  If I really have to tell her about Hunter, then I'm going to do it privately.

"Umm... OK.  But if you need someone to talk to, you know I'm here." She says, and gets back to work.


I just shut my locker when Andrew, the Quarterback, walks up to me.

"Hey, sweet thing.  How are you?"

"I'm fine, Andrew.  Can you please just leave me alone?" I say, turning on my heel and walking away.  Unfortunately, Andrew decides to walk out with me.

"Can I give you a ride?" he says, looking at me with pleading eyes.  I look over my shoulders, searching the crowd of people for Katy.

"Andrew, move it.  Leave the girl alone." A voice over my shoulder says.  I look back and see Hunter standing there.  I quickly look away, not meeting eyes with him.

"Fine.  But I'll be back." Andrew states, and turns away.

"Thanks for that.  I owe you one." I say, and turn to start walking home.  Katy's nowhere in sight, so it looks as if I don't have a ride.

"I can give you a ride.  If you want, I mean.  I'm not going to force you like Andrew would have." Hunter says, and when I don't reply, he turns to start walking away.

"Hunter, wait." I say, and he turns to look at me. "I would like that."

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