Chapter 5

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Before I go to bed, I make sure to do double the sit ups.  Julianna noticed me today.  And I mean, noticed me!  The girl of my dreams noticed me.  How awesome is that, right?

So now I have to keep working extra hard to hopefully draw her in.  And then what am I going to do?  I mean, as soon as I know Julianna likes me, I wanna ask her out.  But how do I say that?

I can picture myself trying to ask her out, and something going terribly wrong.  I could stumble on my words, throw up, and maybe even use the bathroom IN MY PANTS.  That would be SUPER embarrassing.

I take a quick shower, and lay down in bed.  I've done everything I can to make Julianna like me, so now how to make sure she likes me?


It's been a week since I started liking Hunter.  And I still like him.

What the heck is going on with me?!

Yeah, it's possible that he likes me too, cuz who wouldn't?  I mean, I'm smart, cute, cool, popular...every guys dream girl.  But I've never felt this way about a guy before.  When I usually like someone, I might just go up to them and ask them out.  They usually say yes.  Heck, even the most popular jock said yes to me.  It only lasted a week before we broke up, though.

God, if Hunter likes me, then I'm golden!

I know he's not popular, or cool, or as smart as me......but he's cute!  I can picture us walking to our classes together, with his arm around my shoulder, him carrying my books....HEAVEN!


Okay, I normally don't write these little notes, but I would really like to know if you like this story. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment!!! I will work in those comments, and really appreciate them.

Also, I have a 1D fan fix I'm working on, Perfect in my Own Way, and would love to hear what you think of that too!!

Sorry this chapter was short, but didn't know where to stop it....

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