Theo Raeken Imagine~ (Good Memories II)

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Requested by: Anon


Can you do a part 2 to the Theo imagine Good Memories

Can you do a part two to good memories?

A/N: I hope you liked this and I liked writing this. It is a bit shorter than part one but I hope none of you mind. I hope I can write a lot of Imagines when I don't have school but the second you think you don't have to learn for a test a teacher tells you that you have one next week. School is starting to kill me! Next up is a Theo/Brett, Theo, Liam, Isaac or Derek Imagine. It still matters in what mood I am.

Warnings: None, I think

Words: 1.803

Pairing: Theo x Reader

Y/N's POV.

"We are going and Theo comes with us," Stiles says. "Why that?" Theo asks. "Because I don't trust you and maybe you will continue this... Thing," Stiles says and he tries to pull Theo outside. It doesn't really work because Theo is a werewolf but as long as Stiles thinks he can do it no one is going to spoil his dream. "Go with him," I say and Theo walks with Stiles outside. The others walk after them and I try to get my clothes normal like getting my bra good on, pulling my shirt down so it actually covers my body and getting my jeans up and good this time. I try to get my hair a bit normal but it doesn't really work. "You can come in again," I say and Scott immediately walks in. The others follow him without Theo. "Where is...?" I start but Stiles cuts me off. "Your boyfriend?" he says. "He isn't my boyfriend," I say. "So you were just making out with him?" Scott asks. "No, not just..." "Y/n, why are you doing this?" Liam cuts me off. "Becau..." "Do you even know what he did to us? Did you even pay attention when all of us were practically dying or were you just hooking up with him?" Malia asks. Alright this goes a bit too far. This is just rude. I would never do that to them. "Malia! You don't have to be so harsh on her," Lydia says. "Yes, I do!" Malia says. "What she did wasn't good but we can discuss this as adults," Kira says. "Fine, but if she keeps doing it we are going over to my way," she says and she lets herself fall on the couch. "Y/n, why did you do this? Did we do something wrong? Did you wanted to get back at us?" Scott asks. "Did nobody just thought about the most obvious reason I did it?" I ask. "You wanted to distract him," Stiles says. "No, I maybe actually like him," I say. "T-that is not an option," Liam says. "Why not?" I ask. "Because... Well... It is not an option!" Liam says. I want them to stop talking like this. "Okay! You are right. I used him," I say. Why did I say that?! "I don't like him." Why can't I just shut up! "See it wasn't that hard admitting it," Malia says and she gives me a hug. I just nod. Why did I said that? I love Theo! Why am I so stupid? "Can you go I have a lot of homework," I say. I need to tell them some day that I love him but now they won't understand. Maybe when they find out Theo isn't bad after all. I don't like to lie to them but they will understand it. They nod and they walk away.

I let myself fall on the couch. 'Can we talk?' I send to Theo and he immediately sends back: 'Sorry, I'm really busy'. Theo isn't busy. I am sure about that. 'Why didn't you wait?' I ask him. 'I had to go. I was busy and I still am' he sends back. He is lying. I am sure about that. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door and I look up. Lydia is standing in the door opening. "I find out we didn't have any homework so I came back," she says. "I just wanted to be alone," I say. "Maybe we can go shopping. We both know you always cheer up from that," she says. "Yeah, maybe," I say. "Come on," she says and she pulls me out of my house. She pulls me to the car and we drive to the mall. The whole time Lydia talks about stuff but I am so not in the mood for this. We walk into the mall and Lydia starts pull me to every shop she can find. I let her do her thing. She thinks she is cheering me up but she isn't. "What do you think about this one?" she asks and she holds up a dress. "It's cute," I say. "Then go to the change rooms," she says and she pushes me to the change rooms with the dress. Suddenly I see Theo. He walks through the mall. "Y/n, where are you staring at?" Lydia asks. "Nothing," I say. "Then go to your change room!" She says. I walk in and I change into the dress. Why would Theo lie to me? I knew he was but now I have actual prove. Now I know it for sure. I walk to Lydia and I spin. "It looks beautiful on you. But there is one thing," she says. "Don't frown someone could be falling in love with your smile." I smile to her. This really reminds me of Allison. I miss her. We all do. Sometimes I think about what she would've said to me when she found out. Or when I told her. Allison was my best friend and I always told her everything. Even if I didn't she would've found out. I think she would be disappointed but maybe she accepted it. Or maybe she would be happy for me. We would never know.

"Y/n, please stop looking like a puppy," Lydia begs. "And stop zoning out. It's annoying. I know you barely heard what I said today." "I'm just tired," I say. "No," she says. "I didn't want to betray you with Theo," I say. "That's true but you lied when you said that you didn't care about him. That you used him. They are idiots and even as werewolves they can't see that you are in love with him," she says. "He said he was busy but I just saw him in the mall," I say. "Go to him. But first pay that dress and I have some cute shoes in the back of my car so you are irresistible," she says. I change back into my clothes and Lydia pays the dress. We go to her car and she drives me to Theo's home. During the drive I am changing into the dress. I put on the shoes and I brush my hair with the brush Lydia always has in her car. "I am afraid of what will happen when I see Theo and of what will happen if the others find out I actually love him," I say. "Let's just make things good with Theo and then we will tell them together about him," she says and I nod. She parks her car and she looks at me. "Go in there. I will stay here," she says and I nod. "I don't think I can," I say. "You can do it! You love him. Think about that," she says. It works a bit. I love him and I want to let him know that. I get out of the car and I walk to the front door. I ring the doorbell and I wait until someone opens the door. Theo does and he is about to close it but I stop it with my hand. I walk into the living room and he walks behind me. "I didn't said you could come in," he says. "I didn't ask for permission," I say and I turn to him. "Why did you left today and don't tell me you were busy because I saw you at the mall what means you lied to me," I say. "I didn't want to be around you," he says. "Rude," I say. "You said you loved me and when my friends came in you left!" "I don't care about your friends!" he says. "And it was a mistake," he says. He wants to walk away but I grab his hand and I turn him back. "It wasn't for me and it never was. Why was it for you a mistake," I say. "You said to her friends that you used me so now you are the one lying," he growls. "I didn't know why I said that. They just had to shut up!" I say. "You are lying. You didn't want to say to me that you used me so I had to go this morning," he says. "Listen to my heart! I never used you. I never wanted to say it," I say. I put my hand on his cheek and he looks into my eyes. "I love you." Then everything is going in slow motion or it is just a reality that is really long. He looks at me and I have no idea what he is going to do. He is very unpredictable and impossible to read. He pulls me into a hug and I put my head on his chest. "I'm so sorry for what I said," I say. "I know," he says. "I was actually hurt and I was also surprised that some girl could hurt me so much. Of course you weren't some girl. I was hurt this morning. Not a lot but I thought that you didn't love me but you did and then you said you didn't. I was really hurt. But please don't feel guilty." "I will try," I say and I look into his eyes again. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asks and I nod. "Gladly," I say. He gives me a peck on my lips. "Now we have to finish something," he says. "Well, Lydia is waiting in the car for me so not now," I say when his finish is really close to mine. "Seriously?" he asks. "She saw that I liked you and I am planning to tell my friends properly," I say. "Do you want me to come?" he asks. "Please?" I beg. He gives me a kiss on my cheek and we walk outside.

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