Brett Talbot Imagine~A scary confession

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Requested by: Anon

Request: Can I request a Brett Talbot imagine where it's Halloween and the reader thinks he wants to scare her but he's actually trying to flirt with her? (fluffy ending? <3) thanks in advance!

A/N: I hope you like it!

Warnings: underage drinking! Fluff

Words: 2.086

Pairing: Brett Talbot x Reader

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Y/n's POV.

"Hey! Y/n!" Brett says when he slams my locker shut. I jump backwards and he starts to laugh. Good morning to you too, Brett," I say. "Is somebody here a little bit scared for tonight?" Brett asks. "I'm not afraid for a Halloween party," I say. "We planned to go to a haunted house before we go to the party," Brett says. "What are we five?" I ask. "So you are scared," Brett says. "We'll see tonight who's scared," I say and I walk to my class. My classes aren't really interesting. This year I am wearing a classic cat costume. I lost a bet with Brett. If I would've won he would've gone as a nerd. He chose the topic and I the clothes so it will be a surprise for him. It's a black skirt with a tight crop top with cat ears and I just paint a black cat nose on my face. Plus I'm wearing black heels with it. The Halloween Party is held by Melissa. She always hosts the best parties. We're not really friend. Rumour has it she likes Brett and hates me for being teased by him. When my classes are over I get my stuff from my locker and I walk to my car. "Y/n! Wait for me!" Abby yells and she runs to my car. Abby is my best friend. She has something with Jasper. He's a friend of Brett. I try to be a good friend by hanging with them sometimes. "So I heard we're going to a haunted house," she says and we get into the car. "I know. We aren't five anymore!" I say and we start to drive. "I love it," she says. "Why?" I ask. "Because I have an amazing boyfriend who can protect me," she says. "And I have n..." "Brett, you have Brett," she says. "No, I don't have him and I don't want him," I say. I park in front of my house and we walk inside. "He wants you," she says. "Why do you think that?" I ask. "He made you wear a sexy cat costume," she says. "He is a sexist," I say. "And you don't mind wearing it," she says. "Im going to make some tea for us," I say and I walk away. When I come back Abby has only attention for her phone. "Who are you texting?" I ask. "Jasper," she says. "Oh great," I say sarcastically. "He says that you should prepare yourself to be scared tonight," she says. "What?" I ask. "Apparently Brett is going to try to scare you in the haunted house," she says. "Of course he is," I say. "This is just his way of showing that he likes you," she says. "No, it isn't. Now get up we're going to change for tonight," I say and I take the tea upstairs. Jasper and Abby are going as Mickey and Minnie Mouse. First we do Abby's costume and when she is done we do mine. She needs to look exactly like the picture because Jasper needs to look also exactly like the picture so they look alike. I can just do whatever I want. I just need to look like a cat.

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