Stiles Stilinski Imagine~Pull the plug

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Requested by: Anon

Request: Can you do an imagine where stiles is dating the reader and the reader is in the pack and she goes on like a mission or something and stiles is there with them but she gets hurt or something major happens to her and it shows Stiles pov of him dealing with it and talking to Scott and stuff that was specific yikes but yeah anon please!!

A/N: Well, Anon you sent is as Anon so it is Anon. 

Warnings: Sad Stiles

Words: 1.854

Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader

Stiles' POV.

"Y/n, you are sure the mission is safe?" I ask her. "Stiles, when has a mission ever been safe?" she asks. "Y/n, if it isn't safe why would you go? You could get injured. I don't want you to go," I say. "Stiles, I can't let you go alone. And I can look out for myself. We've done this so much. Why are you so worried tonight?" she asks. "I just don't have a good feeling about this," I say. "Go on like that and you will start to sound like Lydia," she says. "Come here," I say and I take her in my arms. "We just need to get in, get the stuff and then get out," she says. "Piece of cake," I say. "While you are doing that we will mislead them," Scott says. "You will be in no danger," doctor Deaton says. "I hope so," I say and I give y/n a peck on her lips.

"These are your backpacks so if something will go wrong you have this to survive," Lydia says. "Why do I have the feeling things will go wrong?" I ask. "You are such a pussy," she says laughing and we put the backpacks on. "You'll be alright," she says. "I'll protect you," she says. "It actually has to be the other way around," I say. "Yeah, but that's less fun," she says. We walk outside into my jeep. "Stiles, we'll both get out alive. I promise," she says and I give her another kiss. "Make sure you can make that promise true," I say. "Always," she says and I start the car. "Here we go," I say and we drive away. It is a silent drive but not particularly in a bad way. She puts her hand over mine and pinches it softly. I smile at her and she smiles back at me. We stop in the woods and we get out of the car. We can't stop the car too close to the building. It will be suspicious. We walk quietly to the building but I can't really walk that quiet. I am not a wolf. Suddenly I fall down in a hole with my leg. Y/n, starts to laugh. "Stop laughing and get me out of this hole," I say and she pulls me out. "Is your leg okay?" she asks. "Yes, there is nothing wrong with it," I say. I stand up and I can walk. We walk further and she grabs my hand. "Do you remember when you fell in that hole..." "On our first date," I interrupt her. "I remember it." "We are there," she says after a while. I walk to the fire escape door and I open it. It makes a lot of sounds when I open it and we walk inside the building. It is very dark and I can barely see anything. Y/n grabs my hand and she leads me through the hallways. She has her supervision. I accidentally walk against a wall and y/n starts to giggle. "This isn't funny," I say and I stand up. "I know. I'm sorry. I can't laugh about it," she says. We walk further and we walk into a lab. "Where is it?" I ask. "It should be there," she says and she points in a direction. I walk towards it and I look around. "Ehm... y/n, there are a few more potions than we thought," I say. "It is red," she says. I grab my phone and I shine the light at the potions. "Here I have it," I say and I grab the potion. "Then let's get out!" she says and we walk out of the lab. Suddenly I hear footsteps and I pull y/n away. We start to run through the building. Some people are chasing us and we run to the staircase. Suddenly somebody makes me trip but before I fall down y/n grabs me and pulls me up. We run down the stairs and we run to the door. Suddenly someone electrocutes y/n with a Taser. She starts to scream. I don't think this is a normal Taser. I jump at the guy who holds the Taser and I start to hit him. Nobody hurts my girl! When he doesn't move anymore I get up and walk to y/n. There is a guy and he stabbed y/n a few times. I run towards him and I jump. He falls and his knife is out of his reach. "Get out before I do something you don't want me to do," I say and I stand up. "Get out!" I pull the ends of the Taser out of her and I put her head on my lap. "Y/n, wake up," I say. "Please, wake up!"

"Stiles!" I look up and I see Scott looking really concerned at me. I am sitting in the hospital at y/n's bed. I must've fallen asleep. After the fight I called Scott and I carried y/n outside. We brought her to the hospital. "You look horrible," Scott says. "Thanks, man," I say. "You are tired. Go home. Sleep in a real bed," Scott says. "I won't leave her alone. I just can't," I say. "I'll get you some food bro," Scott says and he walks out. I grab her hand and I give it kisses. "Why won't you just wake up! I miss you," I say. "You're so pretty. Even if you lie here like Sleeping beauty. I wish I could just kiss you and you would just wake up. I miss your comments. Your jokes. Your smile. Your eyes. God! I miss your beautiful eyes. Please! Don't torture me like this." "I wish I could help you," Scott says. "I know you can't," I say. He grabs a chair and puts it next to me. He sits down. "She'll wake up. And when she does you can kiss her again," he says. He gives me the food and I eat it while Melissa comes checking y/n if everything is alright. "Do you know why she doesn't wake up?" I ask Melissa. "I'm sorry, I have no idea," she says. "Stiles, she already is here a long time. If she doesn't wake up soon..." "What then?" I interrupt her. "They are going to pull the plug," she says silently and she walks away. "They can't. She'll survive! She's a werewolf. She needs to survive!" I say. I feel tears falling down my face. How could they do that? Why won't she wake up? She's a werewolf she's supposed to heal! "Why won't she heal?" I ask Scott. "She's a freaking werewolf!" "I don't know," he says. "What can we do now? If she won't wake up fast...," I ramble. "She will survive, Stiles. She will," Scott says. Suddenly Scott walks towards her and starts to look for something... I think. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Maybe we can help. I mean normal doctors don't understand werewolves. But Deaton does. Maybe he can help us," Scott says. He gets his phone and starts to call. He walks out of the room and I am alone again with y/n. "Did you hear that? You are going to be saved by a veterinarian," I tell y/n. "I wonder if you even hear me or if I am talking against a wall," I say. "Maybe I'll never know. Maybe you'll never wake up. I can't let that happen. How could some Taser get you into a coma?" "Deaton is coming as soon as possible," Scott says when he walks into the room. "Good," I say. I take her hand and I give it a kiss. "Do you think she can hear me? I've told her lots of stories about what happened here but maybe I was just talking to myself instead of her," I say. "She heard you. She's going to be wake soon and you know it," Scott says. "That's the problem, Scott. I'm not sure if she'll wake up," I say and Scott hugs me. Suddenly I see someone standing in the door opening. "Deaton!" "I was nearby so when Scott called me I immediately came here," he says and he walks towards y/n. He looks at her carefully while Scott and I sit down. I put my hands on my head. If Deaton can't find anything everything is lost. She probably won't wake up then and she'll die. "Wait a minute," Deaton says and I immediately stand up. Deaton points at the oxygen machine. "There is wolfsbane in here. Someone messed with it. That's why she couldn't wake up," he tells us. Deaton gets rid of the wolfsbane in the oxygen machine and we all wait until she wakes up.

"Guys," Melissa says. I immediately stand up. I've fallen asleep. I look at the clock. I've slept for six hours. "What?" Scott asks. "It's time," she says with tears in her eyes. "No! She's going to wake up! She needs too!" I say. "Mom, she is going to wake up soon. You need to stop them," Scott says. "I don't think I can," Melissa says. "Please, she'll wake up any moment now," Scott says. "I'll try to do something but I can't promise anything. If you won't hurry they'll pull the plug," Melissa says and she walks away. "Pull the plug?" I hear someone ask and I immediately turn around. "Y/n," I say and I immediately hug her. "Pull the plug?" y/n asks again. "You were gone for a very long time," I say. "But you are back now." I kiss her. "I told you she was going to wake up again," Scott says. "Stiles, can you let her go. She needs to be inspected," Deaton says. I walk back and I stand against the wall. "I couldn't have waited so long without getting crazy if it wasn't for you," I say and I look at Scott. "You would've done the exact same for me," Scott says. "I can't find a better friend than you. Not that I need anyone else," I say. "She is totally clear," Deaton says. He pulls out the needles and shuts the machines down. I lift her off her bed and we twirl around. "I'm never going to let this happen to you again. I can't stand not being able to hug you for so long," I say and I give her a kiss on her nose. 

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